AMAZING NEWS: 3-15-15 (PI + 1 Day)
More Icy moons with oceans; more Gamergate; more misogyny; more Batgirl, more Wlaking Dead; more PKD. In other words – SSDD on Planet Earth!
More Icy moons with oceans; more Gamergate; more misogyny; more Batgirl, more Wlaking Dead; more PKD. In other words – SSDD on Planet Earth!
All your fannish news, painfully and slowly brought to you by Amazing Stories through the kind offices of File 770, Efanzines and the Canadian Fanzine Archive.
Our service may be interrupted today and tomorrow (afternoon) for maintenance.
It’s HERE! The long-awaited science fiction parody mash-up of Star Trek and Doctor Who – A Doctor for the Enterprise!
Our own Andrew Weston has signed a multi-book deal
Fantasy author Dianne Lynne Gardner, a team of writers, actors and TV production professionals have teamed up to produce an Indie Television Show – Cassandra’s Castle.
More Nimoy tributes; more K.T. Bradford, but more Fans than regular news
SFWA extends membership to indie & small press authors.
Whether you call it literary or not, this is a great sale of some great Science Fiction!
Giant planetary rings; psychopathic gamergaters; Black History Month; Free Fiction; more
Kameron Hurley, Larry Correia, Brad Torgeson, Ray Bradbury, J. K. Rowling, Ice Cream
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