AMAZING NEWS: 3-8-2015


Note: issues with our server, browser or modem (or some maddening combination) are preventing us from loading images effectively. So news comes to you today with few images.

Our release of the David Gerrold authored comic – A Doctor for the Enterprise – that took place this past week was a huge success. By latest estimate we’ve sold about half of our remaining copies (we started with 500).

One big surprise was the huge boost to our traffic, quadrupling, then tripling and then doubling our average (and it looks like the doubling is here to stay as we also picked up a really decent number of new members). For the additional traffic, we’ve got several people/websites to thank:

John Scalzi’s Whatever included our release info in a roundup post of things he ought to tell everyone about; Cory Doctorw at Boing Boing devoted a whole post to it; and the Star Trek devoted websites TrekToday, UFStarFleet, the Star Trek Gallery and Starbase 49 gave some good write ups, as did DoctorWhoWatch. File770 jumped in as well and SF Signal linked to our “Making of…” post.

Thanks everyone. It can now be revealed: the secret to increasing your internet traffic is: promote a well-known name, associated with multiple well-known franchises. (Now all I need to do is bring out a parody comic based on Battlestar Galactica and SG-1, written by Heinlein and drawn by Frazetta and we’re GOLDEN!

Copies of the comic are still available, so don’t hesitate to order.


March 10th, 2015, marks the end of the Hugo Awards nomination process. If you have not done so already, please fill out and send in your ballots.

oz vote

You can no longer sign up to nominate, but you can still join Sasquan (and vote on the final ballot later this year).



Phoenix Pick Monthly Newsletter; Industrial Toys


She Shouldn’t Have Fought Back (sigh) (possible trigger warnings)

Stu Hellinger Takes NY Daily News To Task Over Shatner Diss

A Zombie Apocalypse is OK; Two Guys Kissing Is NOT

Skiffy & Fanty on Vitriolic Sniping (via SF Signal)

Here’s something for Hypocritical Gamergaters who tout the free market and then try to deny it to women in the industry

Speaking of GG: How many Gamergaters Does It Take To….

Nerd Culture Needs to Look in the Mirror


Star Trek Cast Tributes to Leonard Nimoy

LARPING Gets Some Attention

Looking Back: High Tech Hotels Had Alarm Clocks “in every room!” (via Mike Walsh)

Big Bang Theory Honors Nimoy

Nimoy’s Screen Debut

Spock Quotes

The Outer Limits At 50

Harvey Keitel As Star Knight (1985)

Discworld “Definitive” List (starts with caveats as to why some things weren’t included)

Two “L.N.”s Made an Impact

The ULTIMATE MARVEL MARATHON! (Theater chains to air ALL Avenger’s films in sequence)

Ansible, March 2015

Nimoy Reads Bradbury (via SF Signal)

Solaris in Four Acts

International Women’s Day Special

Super Girl Costume!

Brin Recommends These Works


Langford’s The Complete Critical Assembly Collection of Reviews is Now Available

Le Guin Continues to Champion the Cause of Genre

SFWA Opens Members to New Qualifying Indies March 1st

Add Your Genre Faves to this Reddit List

MUSA Publishing Closes Doors (via SF Site)

TOR To Publish Pathfinder Stories

Masterclass in SF Criticism (Does not Mean Saying “You Suck!” or “So’s Your Mother!”

41st Annual Saturn Award Nominations

Neil ‘Clarkesworld’ Clarke Tapped for Best of the Year Anthology

1st Bibliographic Presentation of SF in Portugal

If you missed it you missed it – but this was a COOL idea: A Comiccon broadcast to Comics Stores

Get Your NASA Press Pass Here

Kickstarter for Worldcon Anthology (via SF Signal)

Lambda Award Nominations

Helsinki & Dublin Worldcon Bids

Is there a Renaissance in SF on Television and Film?



Oh Man! That Spine is to Kill For! (Evolution confers male preference for women who can forage while pregnant) (I’ll be in my bunk.)

So Long Vesta! Hey Ceres! How’s It Going? and More

Search for Water on Ceres Begins

Martian Ocean (See!? Burroughs WAS Right! Oh, that’s just planetary romance with no real science in it. HA!)

New Evidence Supports Ice Age Human in Florida (makes sense!)

NASA Upgrades Massive Crawler

Light Photographed as a Wave AND a Particle for the First Time Evah!

I Don’t Think David Brin Wants A Pair Of These

Ho-Hum. Yet ANOTHER Ancient Lost City Discovered in the Rain Forest

QM-1_Feb20_2015-003Superintelligent AIs May Get Bored Quickly (will then begin to torture Harlan Ellison for eternity)

Gods Not Necessary for Complex Civilizations to Evolve

Music for Cats

Alcohol: BAD; Psychedelics: GOOD

That’s a BIG Booster!


Dear Readers,

Greetings and Felicitations,

The March issue of Galaxy’s Edge is now live, and quite a few readers have already commented that it’s the coolest cover they’ve seen for the magazine so far!

To go along with this really cool cover, we have some really cool stories. For your reading pleasure, we’ve got both old and new fiction from a slew of top-notch authors (some old veterans, some brand new).

Best of all, the wholeissue is free for online viewing! We also offer a downloadable version for your favorite reading device at a very reasonable price. If you prefer a more permanent version, the paper edition is on sale as well.

You may also buy a downloadable version (EPub, MOBI orPDF) or a paper version of the magazine from from the magazine’s home page.

Don’t want to miss out on any of our great fiction and articles? Be sure to subscribe to the magazine!

Subscribe now to the Digital Issue

Subscribe now to the Paper Issue

Galaxy’s Edge Magazine Making History?

Issue 14 of the magazine (to be released May 1, 2015) will have something absolutely unique for the twenty first century…a previously “unpublished” work by Robert A. Heinlein. Well, technically its been published once before (hence the quotation marks)—in the exclusive Virginia Edition of Heinlein’s complete works, which retails for $1,500 and is limited to 2,000 sets. Outside of that, this will be the only other publication (to date) of this extremely amusing little work that provides a delightful look into the often mischievous and extremely humorous mind of this Grand Master.


And for Heinlein fans we also offer the first ever digital edition of his extensive collection (each piece personally selected by Heinlein himself, and nearly all with individual forewords)

“The single most important and valuable Heinlein book ever published.”
Spider Robinson

“The book I’ve always wanted from Heinlein.”—John Bruni (GoodReads)

This is a must-have for any fans of Robert Heinlein (or even speculative fiction in general) and the closest (via all the forewords and the occasional afterword) that that this extremely private man ever came to writing an autobiography, or even explaining his stories.

Click here to buy the Amazon Kindle digital version (Amazon-Kindle)
Click here to buy the BN Nook digital version (BN-Nook)
Click here to buy the paper version (Amazon)


Ebook of the Month—March 2015

Dark Water’s Embrace by Stephen Leigh

Our book of the month for March is Stephen Leigh’s Dark Water’s Embrace. This was previously offered as a free book in 2010. Dark Water’s Embrace is a superb example of great science fiction dealing with issues of sexuality and gender. It won the Spectrum award on publication and was on the Locus recommended reading list and was short listed for the Triptree award as well.

DESCRIPTION: “Often compared to Ursula K. Le Guin’s ground-breaking The Left Hand of Darkness, Dark Water’s Embrace is a fascinating look at issues of human (and alien) sexuality. Stephen Leigh creates a rich world with elaborate care and uses this alien backdrop to delve into issues of survival, sexuality and the meaning of life itself.

On the planet Mictlan, a small colony of stranded humans struggles to survive despite a diminishing birthrate and a high incidence of physical abnormalities. The cultural conflict engendered by the discovery of the mummified corpse of Mictlan’s now extinct former inhabitants forces the human community to reshape its moral principles to accommodate a bold & troubling solution to their problems.”

The book will be available on a pay-what-you-want basis from March 2 to March 31. Other books by the author will also be offered in related bundles.

A link will be provided from our online catalog page [ ] or you may go directly to the download page: [ ]

We released Larry Niven’s Stellar Guild entry Red Tide a few months ago. The book is broken down into four separate sections. Larry wrote two of those. Matthew J. Harrington, and the Nebula and Campbell nominee Brad R. Torgersen each wrote one.. The book currently has 4/5 stars on Amazon and we are attaching a PDF with the starting few pages for your perusal. If you like “thinking” stories about subjects like teleportation, you are sure to enjoy this title.

Paperback $14.99
Amazon Kindle $6.99


If you are considering joining Hugo- and Nebula-winning New York Times bestselling authors for our third sailing for The Sail to Success writers’ workshop, you may want to sign up now. Prices go up April 1.

If you are a serious writer of speculative fiction you need to check this out [link].

Plus, you’ll get to interact with past students and faculty members even before you make your first payment, so you can get all the inside stories from those who’ve sailed with us before.

Highlights include:

‡ A guaranteed purchase of one story from the pool of students by Galaxy’s Edge magazine, an SFWA-approved venue

‡ A one-on-one meal with a faculty member of your choice (schedule based on enrollment date) to discuss your career and work.

‡ An inside look into writer-agent relationships by one of the top New York-based literary agents for the genre.

‡ A walk-through of the intricacies of writing for the 1632 universe, directly from its creator.

‡ An intense critique of a portion of your manuscript by the head of a major publishing house and a multiple award-winning New York Times bestselling author.

Check out more details of this incredible workshop!

Till next month then.

Thank You and Good Day,

Arc Manor/Phoenix Pick


I Am Charlie Campbell

Actually you are– along with hundreds of thousands of other players of Midnight Star who are battling their way through the Campaign and against each other in Challenges. Launching globally was just the beginning- check out highlights from this last month:

ONE UNIVERSE, TWO APPS – It was a one-two punch for the rollout of the game, with Midnight Rises getting people up-to-speed on Earth’s future, alien signals and our story’s hero followed a week later by Midnight Star, which plunged them into a shooter like no other and an adventure far across the stars.

THE NEW UPDATES – The community‘s been helping every step of the way, and we’re jumping into the next phase of the game’s release based on what you’ve told us. In the next month, you’ll see some exciting updates with fixes to things players have asked for, upgrades to visuals, tweaks to guns and all-new features that make connecting, competing and playing more satisfying. Look for an all-new News Feed, video replays and more ways to play in the coming days. Keep checking the site and our feeds for updates.

THE TRAILER – If you haven’t already, check out the Midnight Star Launch Trailer, featured on our YouTube Channel, Machinima, Gamespot and more!

Keep following the game’s day-to-day progress on Twitter, and if you haven’t already, grab the game on the App Store.

Leveling Up

Hone your skills : Got the game, made it through some missions and wondering where to get help building your skills? We’ve gathered a bunch of resources together and partnered with GamerU to develop a (near) comprehensive collection of videos, tips and tricks to help you get combos, take down those bosses and maximize your scores. If you’re looking to get the most out of your gaming sessions, check out videos on targeting,multi-kills and Hypers as well as many more!

Inside Midnight Rises

Get the most out of it: Rises is a graphic novel app like no other, but not just because of the John Scalzi storytelling and the Mike Choi artwork. It’s also home to a bunch of extras, secrets and in-game benefits that may not be immediately apparent. If you’re into lore, check out the Extras section of the home screen of the app– there you’ll find interactive timelines, tech breakdowns of the MSRV-17 Joplin and even an annual report from the mysterious GMSC. If you’re into secrets– well– you’ll have to find those, but if you’re looking for in-game benefits, our friends over at Pocket Gamer published this handy guide to finding all of the cross-app treats. Enjoy!

M* Events!

Register, Compete & Win: Live events have been nonstop since the launch of Midnight Star, and we’re just getting started. The inauguralLiftoff Event got players scrambling for the top and was followed by Triathlon, a 3-event battle through High Score, Speed and Headshot Challenges to determ




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