Spirit Dance by Douglas Smith
In the beginning of things, men were as animals and animals as men.—Cree legend Vera made a warding sign as I entered the store, my hound Gelert trailing behind me. She pretended to wipe her […]
In the beginning of things, men were as animals and animals as men.—Cree legend Vera made a warding sign as I entered the store, my hound Gelert trailing behind me. She pretended to wipe her […]
a discussion on another publishing option for your backlist of short fiction
independently publishing your stories yourself
I finish off the discussion I began in part 29 on some of the paths a writer might choose to take for their short fiction career, this week focusing on publishing a collection of your short fiction.
Making your first professional sale does not improve your probability of making your next one. Now and throughout your writing career (assuming you intend to have a writing career), you will always face the same challenge: to write the best stories you can and to keep them in front of professional markets until they sell.
Cool Stuff That Might Happen (or Not): Awards, Best of Anthologies, Movies Welcome back! This week I’ll be looking at some of the cool things that just might happen to you after you’ve published a […]
Bonjour / Hola / Ciao: Selling foreign language rights (conclusion) In parts 25 and 26, I began another mini-series on your options for re-selling your stories after they’ve been published for the first time. If […]
Bonjour / Hola / Ciao: Selling foreign language rights Last week, I began another mini-series, this one on your options for re-selling your stories after they’ve been published for the first time. If you haven’t […]
A Writer’s Magic Bakery: Selling your stories again (and again, and again…) Welcome back to my series on marketing and selling short fiction. Last week, I wrapped up a mini-series on everything that happens after […]
Let the Band Ring Out and the Banners Fly: To promote or not to promote Welcome back to my series on marketing and selling short fiction. I’ve written these posts in a very specific sequence, […]
They Said WHAT?!?: Dealing with reviews Welcome back to my series on marketing and selling short fiction. I’ve written these posts in a very specific sequence, with each entry building on previous ones. You can […]
But, But, But…You Bought My Last Story: What Your First Sale Really Means Welcome back to my series on marketing and selling short fiction. I’ve written these posts in a very specific sequence, with each […]
I Love Your Story. Now Change It: Working with an editor (conclusion) Welcome back to my series on marketing and selling short fiction. I’ve written these posts in a very specific sequence, with each entry […]
I Love Your Story. Now Change It: Working with an editor Welcome back to my on-going series on how to market and sell short fiction. I’ve written these posts in a very specific sequence, with […]
Sign Here: What to look (and look out) for in short fiction contracts (continued) Welcome back to my on-going series on how to market and sell short fiction. These posts are written in a very […]
Sign Here: What to look (and look out) for in short fiction contracts (continued) Welcome back to my on-going series on how to market and sell short fiction. These posts are written in a very […]
Sign Here: What to look (and look out) for in short fiction contracts (Part 1) Welcome back to my on-going series on how to market and sell short fiction. These posts are written in a […]
THE WOLF AT THE END OF THE WORLD An urban fantasy novel by Douglas Smith (Estimated release date: Summer 2013) Set in modern day Northern Canada, THE WOLF AT THE END OF THE WORLD is […]
Drawing the Line: When to stop submitting a story Welcome back to my on-going series on how to market and sell short fiction. These posts are written in a very specific sequence, with each entry […]
Oh God, They Hate Me: Dealing with rejections Welcome back to my weekly series on marketing and selling short fiction. These posts are written in a very specific sequence, with each entry building on earlier […]
Behind the Curtain: How an editor chooses (or rejects) a story Welcome back to my weekly series on how marketing and selling short fiction. These posts are written in a planned sequence, with each entry […]
The Numbers Game: What to do after you’ve submitted a story Welcome back to my weekly series on how to market and sell short fiction. These posts are written in a very specific sequence, with […]
The No-No’s: What NOT to do when submitting fiction Welcome back to my on-going and generally weekly series on how to market and sell short fiction. These posts are written in a very specific sequence, […]
Dear Editor…: How to submit short fiction (conclusion) Welcome back to my on-going and generally weekly series on how to market and sell short fiction. These posts are written in a very specific sequence, with […]
Dear Editor…: How to submit short fiction Welcome back to my on-going and generally (kind of, sort of) weekly series on how to market and sell short fiction. These posts are written in a very […]
Markets, Markets Everywhere: How to select the right market Welcome back. This is my ninth post on how to market and sell short fiction. This series is written in a very specific sequence, with each […]
Where Do I Look?: How to find short fiction markets Welcome back. This is the eighth in my (mostly) weekly series of posts on how to market and sell short fiction. This series is written […]
Where to First?: How to choose short fiction markets Welcome back. This is the seventh in my weekly (more or less) series of posts on how to market and sell short fiction (I missed a […]
But How Do I Know It’s Ready?: Dealing with submission fear and arrogance Welcome back. This is the sixth in my weekly series of posts on how to market and sell short fiction. You can […]
Why You Never “Sell” a Story: Understanding rights and licensing (conclusion) Welcome back. This is the fifth in my weekly series of posts on how to market and sell short fiction. You can check out […]
Doug is an award-winning Canadian writer whose fiction has appeared in twenty-five languages and thirty countries. His works include The Wolf at the End of the World, Chimerascope, and Impossibilia.
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