It’s Almost That Time Again

More silverber and asimovThe Hugo Awards nomination process ends at 11:59 pm, March 31st, 2016.

There are a lot of great things to consider, a lot of hard choices to make.  Over the next few days I’m finalizing my own selections.

MidAmericon2 encourages everyone eligible to nominate.  Even if the extent of your participation is placing one work in one category – please do so.  The Hugo Awards are supposed to be about what we all collectively as fans (who are members of the World Science Fiction Society*) choose to w82h002honor.  The greater the participation, the better the award’s reflection of the collective zeitgeist of the field.  (This is one reason why slate voting is so potentially damaging to the awards:  it directly interferes with that collective zeitgeist concept.)

MidAmericon2 also strongy suggests that you test your login well before the last minute to avoid potential problems.  Don’t disenfranchise yourself.  Test your login now.

250px-AV_accepting_Hugo_WikiFor those who may not be all that familiar with the Hugo Awards – where they came from, what their purpose is, why they’re considered one of, if not the most prestigious award in the field, who created them and why.  Well, this is fandom.  We’re all obsessives to one degree or another and compulsives to one degree or another.  It should be no surprise that there are plentiful resources at your fingertips.

Below, a series of links to many of those resources.  You should check them out.  The Hugo Awards did not arrive from nowhere and they are garciaintimately connected to the culture that is fandom.

The main site – The Hugo Awards

History of the Awards (all the results from 1951 on).

The Awards themselves – pictorial history.

The Rules and how nominations and voting is conducted.

The World Science Fiction Society

17yi639c42c2ejpgMembership in the society

Past history of Worldcons

The Long List of Worldcons (has location, attendance & etc. information)



It_s_a_Party__We_re_Liveblogging_the_2015_Hugo_Awards_The Long List of NASFiCs

Histories of Fandom 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

The Works:

Showcase   The Long List Anthology   The Hugo Winners Volumes 1 & 2   Volume 3   Volume 4   Volume 5   The New Hugo Winners Volume 1   Volume 2   Volume 3   Volume 4

27 hugo awardsFree works for consideration for the 1941 Retro Hugo Awards 1   2   3   4   5

and our own roundups and here

Happy Nominating!

*In order to nominate and vote, you must be a member of WSFS.  ANYONE who wishes to join WSFS may do so.

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