Delany to Give Windham-Campbell Lecture

Samuel R. Delany will deliver the 2020 Windham-Campbell lecture. The annual “Why I Write” lecture series is normally presented during the Windham-Campbell Prizes Festival, which is canceled this year, and will instead be available on their website, September 16, 2020 at 5 p.m. EDT.

The Donald Windham-Sandy M. Campbell Literature Prize was established “to call attention to literary achievement and provide writers with the opportunity to focus on their work independent of financial concerns.” The prize is administered by Yale University, with a new nominating committee every year, and a jury choosing winners from those nominees. As previously reported, fiction writers Yiyun Li and Namwali Serpell are among the eight winners of the 2020 Windham-Campbell Prize and will each receive “an unrestricted grant” of $165,000.

For more information, see the official website.

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