Historias asombrosas en español – Amazing Stories in Spanish

Today we are pleased to announce the release of the Spanish Language version of the Amazing Stories website!

Almost from the beginning of the site, we have endeavored to include science fiction voices from across the globe  and have posted original articles in Spanish, German, Chinese, Korean, Finnish, and Italian, as well as providing coverage and English language publication to voices from Ukraine, Russia, Thailand, and elsewhere.  There have even been suggestions that some of our content is of alien origin.

Not too long after our initial launch, Tanya Tynjala, a Peruvian-Finnish-world traveler, author, editor, teacher and student, joined our team and asked if we’d be interested in publishing posts in Spanish.  Tanya was quickly appointed our Spanish Language Editor and has, over the years, brought us numerous contributors from Latin America.

Most recently she introduced us to eight authors writing in the Spanish language tradition –

Rocio Quispe Agnoli retro


Luis Apolin retro

Luis Bravo retro

Daniel Collazos retro


Sophie Canal Gargurevich retro

Tania Huerta retro

Sarko Medinaretro

Kristina Ramos retro

You can read Tanya’s introduction to these fine new contributors here.

They’ll be joining our other past and present Spanish language contributors with posts published on both the original website and the new Spanish language edition – Carlos-Erique-Saldivar, Ricardo Acevedo, Daniel-Salvo, Laura Ponce, Hemil_Garcia_Linares, Ivan Prado Sejas, Iván Rodrigo Mendizábal, Ricardo Manzanaro, Susana Sussmann

Each of these authors plan to contribute monthly, expecting to provide two posts per week.  We’re all looking forward to what they have to say – en español.

Please take a moment to support Amazing Stories with a one-time or recurring donation via Patreon. We rely on donations to keep the site going, and we need your financial support to continue quality coverage of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres as well as supply free stories weekly for your reading pleasure. https://www.patreon.com/amazingstoriesmag

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