The Big Idea: Felicia Day

As children, we often dream of being a special one, even The Chosen One — but as a practical matter, how would being that special actually be? Especially if life threw you some curveballs on the way to Chosenhood? It’s a thought Felicia Day has considered, in her life, and in her new audio drama, Third Eye.


My latest project, Third Eye, is seven-hour fantasy adventure in audio. It began almost six years ago with the simple thought: What if a fantasy-genre Chosen One turned out to be a total loser instead of saving the world? How much would that poor loser’s life suck afterward?

The answer would be: A lot.

The concept tickled me. And sounded like something fun I could dig into. But as I started writing, the deeper Big Idea changed from a funny longline into: “How does someone recover from being a total Failure?” And that twist made the project much more personal. Because, back then, I felt like a total Failure, too.

Now, you might say, “Felicia, that’s wild, eight years ago is when you were on the covers of magazines, and running a big digital company and throwing parties in stadiums!” And I would answer, “Yes, but when you are a traumatized gifted child, there is nothing you can achieve that will be ever be enough to make you feel like a winner outside of others’ praise. Because you have never seen yourself as anything outside what you achieve. I mean, spiritually, you’ve kind of never existed on the inside at all, so…excuse me, I gotta go write a comedy now, bye!”

Third Eye: Audible

Author’s Socials: Website|Instagram|TikTok|Threads

Read even more at: The Big Idea: Felicia Day

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