Project Attempts to Bring Wooly Mammoth Back

Black Gate Pays Tribute to Michael Bishop

OpenAI “Creating God”

Enjoy Books, Donate To TAFF

A Pause in the Perpetual Rotation by Vincent O’Neil is now on sale

Travis Creason highlight a quote from Samuel Delany

E.D. in Space.  (Note, not “E.T.”, “E.D.”)  New NASA T-Shirt:  “I went to space and all  I got was erectile dysfunction” aka “All female astronauts squad reduces NASA budget”

Ursula Le Guin was a subversive

A Canadian Astronaut selected for Artemis II Mission

Regina Kanyu Wang story free to read, from Lightspeed Magazine

DANG!  Octopi NOT from Outer Space!

Weird Biology:  Female Salamanders “steal” genes from other species.  In related news “Kleptogenesis” is the Amazing Word of the Week!

Tribute to Leigh Brackett – ahead of her time and her colleagues!

Before Altman was ousted OpenAI researchers warned of “breakthrough”

Mini Editorial:  Where’s the AI Doomsday Clock, and where would it be set today?  My guess is it should be set to 11:59:58 – two seconds before midnight.

New Elon Musk Biopic:  “I Aim At the Stars“, starring Curd Jurgens as Werner von Braun Elon Musk

Scientists Paid over 1 Billion to publications to have papers published (whereas Science Fictionists said “money flows to the writer”)

Update posted to David Gerrold crowdfunder

Cora Buhlert (Hugo Award winning Best Fan Writer) and Steve Davidson (Amazing Stories publisher) discuss The Science Fiction Hall of Fame with David Agranoff on Postcards From A Dying World podcast

WEBB takes new pictures of the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy

GRRM Talks “Struggle” with finishing Epic

ArcManor announces changed to Book Bale program (emailed to newsletter subscribers):  “Currently we are attempting to redesign the whole website.”  “We have stopped uploading new books pending these changes”; “we are committed to creating the best experience we can provide to our customers and took the decision that a delayed relaunch with the right software is more important than quick fix.”

Cosmic Rays from Beyond Our Galaxy Visit Utah

Robot Escapes From House, Damages Itself Attempting to Clean Up the Outdoors.  (This is a harbinger of the Robopocalypse!)

Pregnant Woman Has TWO Wombs( (But that, of course, is where genetic diversity ends. People are ONLY born XX or XY and there’s only TWO genders, God Dammit! Excuse us. We were temporarily channeling ignorant, bigoted idiots.  We now return you to reality.)

Bat Species Reproduces without penetration.  

Pictures of Nnedi Okorafor’s visit to the French Embassy to receive Arthur Clarke Foundation Award for Imagination in Service to Society

Utah got Cosmic Rays – NASA gets most distant laser communications signal

World’s Larges Iceberg on the move



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