Looking back at 2022: a roundup of scientific achievements… from asteroids to AI and (possibly) fusion. Science journal calls the initial data and images from the James Webb Space Telescope the 2022 Breakthrough of the year.
In light of my many past discussions of citizen science and the rising Age of Amateurs, here’s a list of existing citizen science programs and platforms.
I was honored to participate in the 50th anniversary volume following up on Alvin Toffler’s classic futurist work Future Shock, with the release of: After Shock—“Future Shock at 50” project. You can view the full list of essay contributors here.
“The brilliant and insight-filled Closer to Truth TV series features David Brin in a few episodes on consciousness, on alien life, new parameters constraining religion… and whether we live in a simulation.”
For the full article go to: CONTRARY BRIN: Science advances for a new year – We are (or can be) amazing!