Happy Birthday to Steven Spielberg…and myself.
Joaquin Phoenix will be returning as the Joker in the sequel to The Joker. Here’s a reveal.
Cameron “wrote notes” for six months before handing Avatar 2 writing tasks off. (You’d think that over the course of thirdteen years he’d spend a little more time on this pet project.)
13.4 Billion Years Ago, the light from this most distant galaxy began is journey to reach the JWST’s mirrors, making it THE most distant galaxy yet recorded.
The US Department of Energy announced that they had briefly achieved the goal of creating a fusion reaction that output more energy than was required to sustain it. But we’re still decades away from carbon-free energy production. Meanwhile, China’s “artificial sun” has maintained a sustained reaction for 17 minutes, a record.
Anders Bellis announced SF Fandom’s 93rd anniversary in fitting style, with an image of the first fanzine cover and a mimeograph machine. Happy Birthday to All of Us!
The Orion capsule used on the first Artemis mission completed its successful mission with a splashdown in the Pacific ocean
Antisemitism is getting so bad in the US, President Biden has convened an interagency group to discuss how to deal with it. And more.
Leah A. Zeldes has gifted us with The Rocky Hora Chanukah Song for your 2022 Hanukah celebrations. (The Hora is an Israeli dance). (The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a movie. That’s a simplistic explanation, but accurate.)
SMOFCon bidding session, the NASFiC/Worldcon bid presentations, and of the Seated NASFiC/Worldcons videos are now available, courtesy of Kevin Standlee.
“Really Cool Book” is a review we’ll keep for Cents of Wonder. Thanks David Agranoff. There’s a podcast in its future as well.
Kim Mohan, former editor of Amazing Stories, has passed away
Despite the controversies surrounding AI art (looking at YOU, TOR), it does produce some interesting results, like these images of “Burning Man 1963” offered up by qbtrance.com
Steve Carper made a major announcement regarding his Gnome Press project And it’s NOT NFTs.
It is AMAZING to see what can be done with “dryer lint” in this art from Michael A. Ventralla’s wife. (AI can’t do that!)
Polish Fandom petition’s Chengdu Worldcon to oust its genocide-endorsing GoH. (An author who gleefully endorses genocide is an appropriate Guest for a Worldcon that is being hosted by a genocidal government. Maybe he ought to host a panel on “Better ways to fanwash genocide in the coming era.)
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