Samuel “Chip” Delany writes about Roger Zelazny
Legal ways to Blackmail Lawmakers – legal, but creepy
Explanation for why the Far Side of the Moon is on the Far Side (Actually, no. Why it is so cratered, maybe yes)
Cop stops driverless car. Should have used Robocop
9 Exo Planets That are in the Goldilocks Zone (one of them is only 4 light years away)
Rog Phillips comments on the then upcoming 7th Worldcon
Ironheart, MCU Film, gets a producer
This list of “nearly perfect films” has a lot of genre in it
Spin Launch tech to be tested by NASA
Ruh Roh “Biggest Comet Ever” spotted
If you dislike “work culture” watch this movie
“Very Trans” Dr. Who spinoff coming
All Out Avengers series coming
Heinlein in South America doing “research”
From the “This is why we think so many US citizens are uneducated idiots” department: Lawmaker praises Hitler’s work ethic
Sliders guy offers mea culpas to TNG guy
Mystery Sarcophagus from under Notre Dame to be opened
Scientists getting desperate and arrested protesting against climate change enablers
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