Looks like Mars has been roped into a promotional role for the up-coming Dune film – Rover discovers worm-like rock formation
Futuristic fighting suit gets closer every day. New interlocking “chainlink” fabric resists impacts.
Challenges to racism and imperialism in early US Science Fiction is the subject of a presentation scheduled for this coming Tuesday.
The ISS and China’s Tiangong compared
Discon III announces Covid Policy: Masks mandatory, proof of vaccination mandatory (extends to non-US vaccines). No on-site testing.
DragonCon revises Covid Policy
Mini Editorial: Covid policies neatly illustrate the fannish divide this year, with Worldcon issuing a strict, fact-based and strong policy (proof of vaccination required, masks required), whike DragonCon hedges its bets by offering fee- based on-site testing (which of course proves nothing in the face of false negatives, false positives and the fact the people “shed viruses” for up to three days before testing positive for the virus. So not only does DragonCon reveal its crass commercialism by mandating tests and then charging for them on-site (yes, third party and the con claims they won’t be making a profit…right), but it also reveals, unlike Worldcon, that it cares more about the bottom line than it does about attendees. There have always been good reasons to attend Worldcon and shun DragonCon and this is another, this time with potentially deadly consequences. (How’d you like to become known as “DragonCon’s Covid Mary” and have the death of countless fellow fans laid on your doorstep?)
THIS time nuclear fusion is still only twenty years away. Breakthrough reported