Contest Entries Close December 31st!  Get Your Entry in Now!

No, the Hobbits aren’t selling off all of Sauron’s soggy mess, and no, Bilbo is still very much alive – put down that tea set!

Warner Brothers is releasing newly remastered 4K Ultra HD editions of Peter Jackson’s two trilogies – The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit – supervised by the director himself, and

Amazing Stories has two sets to giveaway!

Winners will receive not one, not 6 but TWELVE movies – all three Lord of the Rings films –

The Fellowship of the Ring,

The Two Towers and

The Return of the King


all three of The Hobbit films –

An Unexpected Journey,

The Desolation of Smaug and

The Battle of the Five Armies


The extended versions of each film!

That’s enough Middle-Earth goodness to host your own 24 hour film festival!

Coming in at $89.99 for the set, winning our contest for one of two copies might just save you enough to purchase your own One Ring – IF you can find it!

Click to see more!

Visit our contact page to learn more and enter for your chance to win!


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