Donate the Help Members of Science Fiction and FantasyWriters of America Affected by Covid-19

We are in a difficult time. The pandemic may have brought on a small vlogging and animated GIF renaissance, but for the overall economy, and creative artists, in particular, it has also brought the cancellation and suspension of much of our usual access to revenue. Uncertainty about the future is in the air, while bills continue to come due.

Members watch their income dwindle as anthologies and novels are delayed, advertising vanishes in the flood of news, and public events like conventions and tours are canceled or postponed. Bookstores and other distributors have shuttered and readers have less money for buying books. Through this uncertain time, SFWA stands ready to support our members.

For any SFWA members who are struggling to afford necessary expenses due to lost revenue from COVID-19 illness or related restrictions, SFWA wants to help cover those expenses.

But we need YOUR help to do so.

The Where the Need is Greatest fund as it stands will only support a fraction of the expected requests for assistance. Your donations will help members of the SFF community in financial distress pay their mortgages or rent and utilities, acquire medications and other necessary supplies or services to weather this storm.

Please give generously.  The world needs stories. The storytellers need you.

Thank you.

Donate Now

Should you have any problems in making a donation, please contact for help. Thank you for helping writers and the SFF community, and for standing behind an organization dedicated to the same.

This article was originally posted on

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