Campbell Name Removed from Award
The Astounding Award for Best New Writer is the new title of the award formerly named for John W. Campbell, Jr. Analog editor Trevor Quachri announced the change today in a “Statement from the editor” at The Astounding Analog Companion

GRRM on the Hugo Losers Party
By George R.R. Martin: We ran into some problems this year at the Hugo Losers Party in Dublin, and it seems there’s been a good deal of online commentary about what happened and why, much of it from people who

Noir at the Bar
By Martin Morse Wooster: On August 25 I went to a , a short story reading for mystery writers held at a Busboys and Poets in Shirlington in Washington’s Virginia suburbs. The event drew about 60 people.

Pixel Scroll 8/31/19 A Scroll Title Named Desire
TIPTREE AWARD CONTROVERSY. While I can’t say I located the ultimate roots of the discussion, I found Carrie Cuinn’s thread, which starts here. There are more comments in Natalie Luhrs’ thread, starting here. Today Sweden’s John-Henri Holmberg countered challenges

Pixel Scroll 8/30/19 The Past Is Long And Full Of Writers
BACK IN THE SHED. The tower for Artemis is being hauled under cover: “Kennedy Space Center bracing for Hurricane Dorian”. NASA civil servants and contractors at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida are bracing for high winds and rain

Brad Linaweaver (1952-2019)
Prometheus Award-winning author Brad Linaweaver died August 29 after a long battle with cancer. He would have been 67 on Sunday. I met Brad long ago through other Libertarian fans and knew about his good sense of humor – he

2019 James White Award Shortlist
The 2019 James White Award shortlist is out, six stories chosen from 355 submissions, 22 of which made the longlist: Better Lost Than Loved – Bryn Fazakerley Bug on Bug – Mica Scotti Kole Digital Nomad – Koji A Dae

Begin Your Rediscovery
Galactic Journey, the site that tracks sff and the space age day-by-day 55 years in the past, is always doing incredibly creative things (they host an online radio station playing period tunes!) Founder Gideon Marcus has just released another labor

Pixel Scroll 8/29/19 Come A Little Bit Closer, You’re My Kind of Pixel And The Scroll Title Is So Long
FAREWELL. Martin Hoare’s funeral was held today. Pete Young shared a photo of the casket (posted here with permission.) Yes, it was used for Martin. He was inside, then Martin + Tardis were cremated. I could not get any

Freedom, Freedom
By John Hertz: (reprinted from No Direction Home 26) We could take 2018 or 2019 as the 70th birth-anniversary year of Walt Kelly’s Pogo. It began as a newspaper comic strip in 1948. It was adopted for syndicated national distribution in 1949. It ran through 1975. Judith

Baen Books & RBmedia Announce Audiobook Publishing Partnership
Baen Books, one of the top independent publishers of science fiction and fantasy, and RBmedia, a global leader in spoken audio content, have announced an agreement to publish more than 170 audiobooks over the next three years. The partnership brings

Pixel Scroll 8/28/19 I’ve Scrolled Through The File On A Pixel With No Name
CHECK YOURSELF. Cat Rambo’s social media advice. Thread starts here. (2) HUGO MIA. Foz Meadows’ 2019 Best Fan Writer Hugo has suffered a misadventure in delivery. (3) KEEPING HUGO. Amazing Stories’ Steve Davidson, in “On Renaming Awards”, tries to

Wandering Through the Public Domain #19
A regular exploration of public domain genre works available through Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, and Librivox. By Colleen McMahon: Fritz Leiber (1910-1992) was a name that appeared multiple times in the Retro Hugo ballot this year. His Conjure Wife took

Pixel Scroll 8/27/19 Fighting Pixels From The Sky, Fearless Scrolls Who Jump And File
CROWDFUNDING RESNICK’S CARE. A GoFundMe has been launched to “Help Mike Resnick pay off a near-death experience”. There has been a strong response — in the first 18 hours, $7,100 of the $15,000 goal has been raised. This GoFundMe

Campbell Name Could Come Off Award
The South China Morning Post reports that Dell Magazine, sponsor of the John W, Campbell Award for Best New Writer, “admits it is considering renaming the award and it is only a matter of finding the right time” — “Hong

Barkley — So Glad You (Didn’t) Ask — Special Irish Worldcon Edition, The Final Day
WORLDCON 77 – DUBLIN By Chris M. Barkley: Field Notes I now KNOW which flatmate is the culprit who has been reversing the direction of toilet paper in our flat. To preserve whatever goodwill we have built up between the

Pixel Scroll 8/26/19 We Didn’t Start The File, It Was Always Scrolling Since The Fans Been Squeeing
STAMPEDE ZONE. Fran Wilde, in one of the New York Times’ op-eds from the future, implores “Please, Stop Printing Unicorns”. Tagline: “Bioprinters are not toys, and parents shouldn’t give them to children.” … Making bioprinting more accessible to the

Uncanny Magazine Issue 30 — Disabled People Destroy Fantasy Launches 9/3
The 30th issue of four-time Hugo winner Uncanny Magazine, which just won another at Dublin 2019, will be available on September 3. This is the Disabled People Destroy Fantasy special issue, guest edited by: Nicolette Barischoff (Nonfiction), Lisa M. Bradley (Poetry), and Katharine Duckett

2019 Big Heart Award: Alice Lawson
Alice Lawson of Glasgow was presented with the Big Heart Award at Dublin 2019. The award recognizes “good work and great spirit long contributed” in the words of past winner John Hertz. Lawson, who has been helping at conventions since

Vilfredo Pareto Rides Again
By John Hertz: Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) was an Italian who among other things became famous for calling attention to what some of us call the 80-20 Rule. 80% of the unpacking takes 20% of the time. 20% of the people do 80%

2019 Silver Falchion Awards
The winners of the 2019 Silver Falchion awards were announced at the Killer Nashville Writers Conference in Franklin, Tennessee on August 24. The Silver Falchion award categories cover the spectrum of popular literature. Here are

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