NASA Facility Named for Katherine Johnson

Rotten Tomatoes Makes Changes Following Troll Assault

First Woman Gets (non-kicker) College Football Scholarship

Serious Talk Turns to New American Civil War (Mini-editorial:  things may not go that far, but we do expect that there will be a huge increase in domestic terrorism)

Non-Discrimination Laws Applied to Unbelievers

Worst Black History Month Ever?


Someone Likes Us

Build Your Own Powered Landing Rocketship!

Seth Rogan to Act in New Twilight Zone

TOR Gets Romantic

The Orville Two Parter Getting Great Reviews

SPOOOOOON!  Season 2 Trailer


RIP Janet Opal Asimov

So Long, St. Marks

New Steamfunk Coming

Benford & Dyson on the Stage

Authors Travel Through China

MVMedia Tenth Anniversary Special

Daedalus Closes Wholesale Operation


Witch Marks Surface on “nearly every surface” (not related to covens casting spells against Trump)

4 Letters Added to DNA

Crispr Twins Might be Kahn Noonian Singh

Space 2.0 Gorgeously Illustrated Round Up of Things to Come

FRBs Might Have an Explanation

ESA Releases Evidence for Widespread Groundwater on Mars and more

CREEPY!  “Dinner Plate” sized Tarantula Kills & (Presumably) Eats Opposum

SpaceX Launches Crew Capsule to ISS


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