ETA: As Mike Glyer points out in the comment below, this piece might give some the impression that no one was ever contacted by Worldcon programming. This is not the case.
It was not my intent to give that impression. Rather, it was to boost the signal and the request for people who have not heard from the programming team to get in touch. We listed every single one of the nominees in order to cover all of the bases and to try to make sure that those who’s email query bounced might hear about the issue.
An important announcement from Mary Robinette Kowal’s Worldcon76 Programming Team:
If you are a finalist and did not receive an email with the subject line “[WorldCon76] Hugo finalist programming query”, please contact me:
That’s as large an announcement as our fonts and headers allow.
Mary notes that they have sent out queries to all of the Hugo Award finalists (and not-a-Hugo award finalists) and that they have received several email bounces, hence the public request for contact.
The Worldcon76 programming redux is under extreme time constraints, at least if we don’t want this Worldcon to be the first without a pocket program since the invention of pocket programs, so please, get in touch as soon as you learn of the need to do so.
The individuals programming is attempting to reach probably include some of the following individuals (alphabetical by first name/initial and duplications removed):
[two]A.J. Odasso
Alexandra Pierce
Aliette de Bodard
Alisa Krasnostein
Allan Heinberg
Ana Grilo
Andrew Finch
Ann Leckie
Aron Eli Coleite
Bastien Lecouffe Deharme
Benjamin C. Kinney
Bogi Takács
Brandon Sanderson
Brian K. Vaughan
Brian White
Bridget McKinney
Camestros Felapton
Caroline M. Yoachim
Charles Payseur
Charlie Brooker
Christian Ward
Christopher Yost
Ciro Faienza
Clayton Cowles
Cliff Chiang
Craig Kyle
Daveed Diggs
David M. Barrett
Dean Holland
Deborah Stanish
Denis Villeneuve
Devi Pillai
Diana M. Pho
Dylan Morgan
Elsa Sjunneson-Henry
Emil Ferris
Eric Pearson
Eric Wong
Erika Ensign
Fiona Staples
Foz Meadows
Fran Wilde
Frances Hardinge
Galen Dara
Gary K. Wolfe
Gautam Bhatia
Geneva Benton
Gideon Marcus
Grace P. Fong
Greg Hullender
Guillermo del Toro
Hampton Fancher
Heather McDougal
Jared Fletcher
Jason Fuchs
Jeannette Ng
Jesse Alexander
Joe Monti
Joe Sherry
John Joseph Adams
John Picacio
John Scalzi
Jonathan Snipes
Jonathan Strahan
Jordan Peele
Josh Siegal
Julia Rios
JY Yang
K.M. Szpara
Kate Dollarhyde
Katherine Arden
Kathleen Jennings
Katrina Griffiths
Kelly Fitzpatrick
Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kim Stanley Robinson
L.M. Myles
Lauren Henderson
Lee Harris
[/two][two_last]Likhain (M. Sereno)
Lila Garrott
Linda Nagata
Liz Bourke
Lois McMaster Bujold
Lynne M. Thomas
Marie Brennan
Marjorie M. Liu
Martha Wells
Matt Wallace
Matthew Wilson
Maya Hahto
Michael Damian Thomas
Michael Green
Michael Schur
Michi Trota
Mike Glyer
Mikki Kendall
Mimi Mondal
Miriam Weinberg
Mur Lafferty
N.K. Jemisin
Nat Segaloff
Navah Wolfe
Neil Clarke
Nnedi Okorafor
Norm Sherman
Pablo Defendini
Patty Jenkins
Paul Kincaid
Philip Pullman
Rachel Talalay
Rebecca Roanhorse
Renay William
Rian Johnson
Rivers Solomon
Robert Jackson Bennett
S.B. Divya
Saladin Ahmed
Sam J. Miller
Sana Takeda
Sarah Gailey
Sarah Kuhn*
Sarah Pinsker
Sarah Rees Brennan
Scott H. Andrews
Seanan McGuire
Sheila E. Gilbert
Sheila Williams
Spring Schoenhuth
Steve Stiles
Steven Moffat
Steven Schapansky
Suzanne Palmer
T. Kingfisher (Ursula Vernon)
Tahlia Day
Taika Waititi
Taki Soma
Tansy Rayner Roberts
Team Journey Planet
The G
Thea James
Toby Haynes
Tom Merritt
Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula Vernon
Valentine De Landro
Vance Kotrla
Vanessa Rose Phin
Vanessa Taylor
Veronica Belmont
Victo Ngai
Vina Jie-Min Prasad
William Bridges
William Hutson
Yoon Ha Lee
Zack Snyder
Zoë Quinn[/two_last]
Of course, if you don’t want to be contacted, you probably ought to contact the team to let them know you don’t want to be contacted….
I was personally originally scheduled for a couple of program items. I’ve written to members of the team and expressed my support for their efforts, in addition to selfishly requesting that if they can preserve my scheduling, I’d appreciate it. I’d kind of like to have as many opportunities to promote Amazing Stories’ debut in print as possible and it has been suggested by some third parties that this qualifies as “something new” and therefore ought to be represented on programming.
While I agree (and acknowledge that it would be a personal thrill to be on programming at a Worldcon) with that sentiment, I’m also a Fan and recognize that what Spock said is at least a truism for Fandom: “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”. Fandom, the collective, comes before the individual fan.
That concept seems to be getting short shrift these days and is one of the concepts I hope to address on the panel I was originally scheduled for (Tribalism in Fandom) if that scheduling is retained. If not – stop by the booth and I will be happy to pontificate and harangue you to your heart’s content (and mine – I might still be talking after you walk away).
Praise for the Worldcon76 Committee for recognizing they had a problem and taking immediate steps to attempt to correct it. Equal praise for Mary Robinette Kowal and the following individuals for stepping up to help:
John Picacio
Sarah Gailey
Jason Stevan Hill
Nibedita Sen
Alexandra Rowland
Elsa Sjunneson-Henry
Merc Rustad
Stacey Berg
Julia Rios
Ace Ratcliff
Derek Künsken
Jennifer Mace
Nilah Magruder
Alyshondra Meacham
K Tempest Bradford
Steven H Silver
I’m looking forward to seeing you all in just a few short week’s time!
Side note: There’s 157 names on that list. While it is true that many of those individuals will not be in attendance (particularly among the dramatic presentation crowd), it’s still a huge number. Assuming that your typical panel has 5 people on it, you’d need 32 panels to accomodate them all just once.
That’s 32 hours of programming. Four days worth if spread over the typical 10 am to 6 pm scheduling. Of course, there’s always more than one programming track, but once you start taking things like when various individuals are arriving and departing, special events they want to attend, other people they prefer or do not prefer to be scheduled with, estimates of attendance (for room size), and trying to schedule them for subjects they might have some small bit of knowledge about, well, I think you can find the preceding as the definition for Sisyphean. It’s more than Herculean, no rivers to divert here.
It’s no wonder that that rock has rolled over a few fans over the years.
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