Geek Ink

Geek Ink – Getting Gink

Words are a funny thing sometimes. A couple of my friends and I may have coined a new term – getting gink.

“Gink” is recognized as a slang term for an odd boy or man; the term “geek” may actually have been a derivation of gink. A friend of mine, Stuart Hatton, Jr., had posted on Facebook that he was getting some work done on his massive back tattoo, and I was talking to him about it and asked his permission to use his photos of the progress (see the cover photo and below).

I have been to enough comic cons and sci-fi conventions to know what a lot of us geeks get tatts of our favorite obsessions be they movies, manga, anime, comics, TV, or what have you. Calling out to several of the online groups to which I belong, asking to see the best of the geeky tattoos and consequently, the response was phenomenal. Some people have one or two small tattoos while others, like my friend Stuart Hatton, Jr., have massive ink that spans their entire back, chest, or legs. Another example comes from Jaimie Swann. There’s still work to be done, but you can see the progress from the first photo to the 7 hour later update.      

Superheroes and their “toys” make up another big part of the ginked crowd. Wonder Woman, The Batmobile, Ironman, even old school Hulk all make an appearance.

There are Umbrella Corporation symbols,

Skyrim dragon language,

And symbols known to those who are fans of One Piece and Digimon.

Others include Pokemon, Sonic, and Mario.


There’s a culture of Disney tatts, such as Tinkerbell, Beauty and the Beast.

Then, we have my best mate, Kris Kobus who has several tatts of a geeky nature. Here he is showing off:

Some go for it hardcore, covering large portions of their body in geeky ink.

Here are the rest of the ink I got from my groups:

Nearly every fandom is seen inked on the human body. . There is a lot of variety and some truly amazing tattoos out there. A big thanks to all those who posted their photos. Until next time….enjoy and go get yourself ginked!

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