Indie authors, small press publishers and hybrid authors of fantasy, science fiction, horror fiction (and related works like comics, graphic novels, film, animation) are encouraged to submit their newly released or soon to be released works to our weekly In Indie feature.

We run a cover image, the author’s or editors short promotional description, selected blurbs (if available) and link to both the author/publisher’s website and the work itself.

Amazing Stories’ audience is fast approaching 35,000 registered members.  Getting even 1% of our readers to check out your latest work will result in an additional 350 sales, and who doesn’t want that?

In Indie gives you a chance to talk directly to our readers – we only publish your cover(s) and your words.

BONUS!  The first submission of the week has their cover presented as our Featured Image for the post.

And, we’ve heard some good things from those who have already participated as in “saw an uptick in sales!”.

It shouldn’t take you more than 15 minutes to gather together materials that you have already prepared.  All you have to do to participate is to send the following to the Editor here at Amazing Stories:

Graphic of your book cover (or suitable art for other projects):  should be the full cover image.  Width should be 250 pixels.
A paragraph summarizing the story;  feel free to use a bit of hype if you’d like, but please do try to give readers some idea of what it’s all about
Copies of blurbs it has received, if any.
A link to the author’s website, facebook page, twitter account (publisher’s website, etc)
A link to where the work can be obtained.

Come on.  You know you want to.

Please take a moment to support Amazing Stories with a one-time or recurring donation via Patreon. We rely on donations to keep the site going, and we need your financial support to continue quality coverage of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres as well as supply free stories weekly for your reading pleasure.

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