SFWA Singularity; OMNI Weekly News; Pandemonium Book News; RPG News #56; New AstroEmpires Game
Amazing Stories & The Experimenter Publishing Company (though NOT necessarily its contributors) are Officially in the camp of those who would vote a Llama into the White House if it keeps Trump out.
Edward R. Murrow Took Down Sen. McCarthy: Are there any Murrows in the House?
Leaked Identity Info Resource: data theft is on the rise; on this site you can see if your info has been compromised. (Full info only available for a (low) fee)
Read This If You Cringe When Walking Through the Feminine Hygiene Aisle
The Military Loves Trump? Not THIS Marine
David A. Hardy & Dave Creek (both contributors here) get together on Book Cover
Story for Awards Consideration
Latest Issue of Weirdbook (Turks & Cthulhu!)
Krypton Radio! 24 Hours of SF/F Audio Programming
More David A. Hardy – Moon Sculpture
New GoodReads Group for A. Bertram Chandler Fans
New Con Coming: Heliosphere (Take the poll)
Star Trek Disagrees with Robert A. Heinlein
Fandom Directory: Are you in there? (I am)
Authors Earnings Report (Read the comments)
History of WSFA (not WSFS)
Promotional Effort for Indie Authors
Half Life: Bikini Atoll Still Uninhabitable (Or Suitable for Glow-in-the-Dark Island Vacations)
What? DeGrasse-Tyson Getting Too Much Attention? Michio Kaku Purportedly Finds God in Tachyons (Some find god in a book – sounds a lot simpler….)
Lawyer Fights For Writ of Habeus Corpus for Animals (If Trump Gets Elected, They’ll HAVE to Pass This)
Latest Denial: Ain’t No Such Thing as a ‘Milky Way’ If you Can’t See It
Note: SFWA Singularity Contains News for SFWA members. Some content may be applicable for the general public.
RPGnet Newsletter #56
June 7, 2016
New Columns
Christopher Cecil drew a new Fuzzy Thinking: “Botch!”
Brent Dedeaux of Tales from the Rocket House was back with some suggestions for how to handle the glut of OSR materials in “The Elephant in the Old-School Renaissance Room.”
New Reviews
- Christian A’s review of “Chariot: Fantasy Roleplaying in an Age of Miracles” (Occult Fantasy RPG)
- Timothy Groth’s review of “Chariot: Fantasy Roleplaying in an Age of Miracles” (Occult Fantasy RPG)
- Ryan Isaacson’s review of “Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster’s Forgotten Realms” (Reams Background)
- Antonios S’s review of “Tales of Longfall #2: Corporate Piracy” (Freebooter’s Fate)
- Antonios S’s review of “Mercenary Starter Box” (Freebooter’s Fate)
- Antonios S’s review of “Freebooter’s Fate Battles!” (Freebooter’s Fate)
- Antonios S’s review of “Champions Of Aetaltis” (Book/Fiction)
Threads You Might Have Missed
If you have some game-inclined friends that you’d like to introduce to the world of RPGs, you should swing by “‘Gateway drug’ for RPGs.”
Two great conversation-starting question threads popped up in Other Media last week. What they both have in common is that, in different ways, they very much reward careful consideration. (1) “Is there a movie with a better final 10 minutes than Last of the Mohicans?” (2) “[Game of Thrones, Spoilers for all Season] Was Robert actually an underrated king?”
It’s a short thread, but a very interesting concept: “Have you ever lost after winning?” Stop by, tell your tales of Pyhrric or otherwise suboptimal victories, and share advice about how to deal with them at the table.
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Have a good week, everyone.
- Iustum
Newsletter Editor
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