SFWA Singularity; OMNI Weekly News; Pandemonium Book News; RPG News #56; New AstroEmpires Game


Amazing Stories & The Experimenter Publishing Company (though NOT necessarily its contributors) are Officially in the camp of those who would vote a Llama into the White House if it keeps Trump out.

Edward R. Murrow Took Down Sen. McCarthy: Are there any Murrows in the House?

Leaked Identity Info Resource: data theft is on the rise;  on this site you can see if your info has been compromised. (Full info only available for a (low) fee)

Read This If You Cringe When Walking Through the Feminine Hygiene Aisle

The Military Loves Trump?  Not THIS Marine


David A. Hardy & Dave Creek (both contributors here) get together on Book Cover

Ansible Compendium

Swanwick Gets Star Review

Story for Awards Consideration

Alt. Hist Goes Back to 1066

SF Commentarys For Sale

Latest Issue of Weirdbook (Turks & Cthulhu!)

Krypton Radio!  24 Hours of SF/F Audio Programming

More David A. Hardy – Moon Sculpture

New GoodReads Group for A. Bertram Chandler Fans


New Con Coming:  Heliosphere (Take the poll)

Star Trek Disagrees with Robert A. Heinlein

Fandom Directory:  Are you in there?  (I am)

Boskone Con Report

Authors Earnings Report (Read the comments)

History of WSFA (not WSFS)

Promotional Effort for Indie Authors


Half Life:  Bikini Atoll Still Uninhabitable (Or Suitable for Glow-in-the-Dark Island Vacations)

Why We Need Killer Robots

What?  DeGrasse-Tyson Getting Too Much Attention?  Michio Kaku Purportedly Finds God in Tachyons (Some find god in a book – sounds a lot simpler….)

Lawyer Fights For Writ of Habeus Corpus for Animals (If Trump Gets Elected, They’ll HAVE to Pass This)

Latest Denial:  Ain’t No Such Thing as a ‘Milky Way’ If you Can’t See It


Note:  SFWA Singularity Contains News for SFWA members.  Some content may be applicable for the general public.

The Singularity
A  Nexus of SFWA News #24
June 9th, 2016
Business Meeting at WorldCon

There will be a General Business Meeting for all members of SFWA at World Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention at the Kansas City Convention Centre, in Kansas City, Missouri, from 10:00 AM to noon on Saturday, August 20, 2016, at which time the SFWA Board will report on its activities.

This is a call for agenda items.

Please email your agenda items to  by Friday, July 15, 2016. 

Volunteers Needed!

Happy June everyone!

 We have some fascinating volunteer opportunities this month! We have something for everyone. Some are high responsibility, some are low responsibility. Some are ongoing. Some are ad hoc. If you don’t see something here you like, but you are interested in volunteering, please send me an email at

–Derek Kunsken

  • Ad hoc Volunteer Opportunity: Transcriber – SFWA has been putting videos on Youtube. The content of these videos would also be very valuable in written form. SFWA is seeking a few volunteers who are willing to listen to some videos and transcribe them into a word processing document. 
  • Ad hoc Volunteer Opportunity: Playlist Organizer – SFWA has named over thirty Grand Masters, most recently C.J. Cherryh. Many Grand Masters have interviews and readings on Youtube. SFWA is seeking a short-term volunteer to put together a Youtube playlist assembling and organizing videos relevant to SFWA’s Grand Masters. 
  • Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity: Legacy Campaign Committee – SFWA wishes to conduct an outreach campaign to authors and estates to let them know of the help SFWA provides to estates in the resale of author or estate works. Marketing, publicity and outreach experience would be very valuable here! 
  • Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity: Assistant to the President of SFWA: A discreet, organized self-starter is needed to help with scheduling, meeting preparation, action item tracking, etc in electronic platforms. 1-2 hours/week. 
  • Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity: Financial Review Committee: Under the leadership of SFWA’s CFO, this committee reviews SFWA’s financial documents and provides advice to the CFO on financial matters. Financial experience is definitely needed, but if you understand finances, you could really make a contribution! 
  • Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity: Secretarial support to ongoing committees. I’m assembling a list of potential volunteers who might be interested in a quiet administrative role on a committee. This would help the volunteer learn the ins and outs of SFWA business, and also assist the committees in tracking decisions, organizing meeting agendas, and reporting to the Board via the Committee Chairs. 
  • Ad hoc Volunteer Opportunities: Con volunteers! SFWA often has programmed activities at cons, including the set-up and tear-down for those activities, and we can always use an extra set of hands. Sometimes we just need people on call at a con, at the end of a text if we need a ten minute job done. So are you going to a major one? Have you always dreamed of being a minion, but didn’t think you could pull off the big yellow Tic-Tac look? We want you on our team!

SFWA Nebula Conference

We are busy working with Jim and Laurie Mann who’ve graciously offered to host and plan next year’s Nebula Conference and awards in Pittsburgh, PA. Look for more information in regards to registration and hotel coming soon! 

Once again, thank you to all who attended the SFWA Nebula Conference. As mentioned in the last Singularity, we said we’d give you some of the great write-ups we’ve seen on social media. 

Recently Reported Sites

  • If you appeared on the Mindwebs radio series, which came out of WHA Radio in Madison, Wisconsin and ran in the mid-70s through the mid-90s, your work may be on this site. According to Michael Hanson the series host, there were 169 half-hour shows which presented 188 short stories from 135 different authors. If you appear on the site and prefer to have SFWA list you in an overall DMCA notice rather than submitting your own, please mail the link for your story and include your contact details to   
  • If you had works published on the Quarterreads site but were not paid for them at the time the site closed, please drop me a line  at and include the amount owed to you so I can include this in a consolidated list to Quarterreads. 
  • Griefcom continues investigating Hungarian magazine Galaktika for publishing translated work without the permission of the author. If you have recent contact information for any of their staff, please send it to me at so I can consolidate the info and pass it along.

ReLire Program

A reminder to members that the ReLire program currently underway in France has scanned many books it considers to be “orphan works” in order to make them available through a public database. This database has been found to contain many titles that are clearly not orphan works or in the public domain, including a number by prominent SF and fantasy authors. On March 21 of this year a new list of titles to be added to the database were released. From that date authors or copyright holders will have six months (ending September 20th, 2016) to register an objection.

Members can access detailed information on how to find out if their works were included and what options are available here. Please email if you would like any information not provided there.

Contract Committee News

The first news is that the Contracts Committee has finished, and posted on our page of the SFWA Web site, a major revision of our model Author-Agent Agreement. The version we finished builds on earlier drafts of the agreement. SFWA has produced model contracts since it was created in 1965.  The latest revision echoes back to our first, a Model Author-Agent Agreement written by SFWA founder Damon Knight, that appeared in the first issue of the SFWA Bulletin in July, 1965. We expect this version to be published in the Bulletin.  In the meantime, you can read the Agreement at:

We are adding material to the Model Magazine Contract we released in September, thanks to the work of two new Committee Members, Jeff Hecht and Rosemary Smith.  We expect to post the revised contract soon.

We are reviewing various collaboration agreements for writers, and expect to post links to several that would be good for SFWA members.  At the same time, we will begin work on model anthology contract.

If you have any questions for the Committee, or are interested in helping us with our work, please drop an email to: Contracts@SFWA.ORG

Jim Fiscus, Chair, SFWA Contracts Committee

Interesting Discussion Board Topics

A round-up of interesting discussions happening on our members-only discussion boards! Remember, you’ll need to sign in at before trying to click on any of these links! 

Help us plan the SFWA Institute initiative: 

Ask your questions/leave your comments for the forthcoming Presidential Hangout sessions:

On author photos (particularly when you don’t think you’re photogenic):

SFWA at ALA (American Library Association Conference] 

Orlando, FL – June 24 to 28

SFWA will have a booth at ALA in June. SFWA members who are attending (or who may be interested in attending) ALA: If you’d like to sign books and/or volunteer at SFWA’s booth, we’d love to have you. If you are not attending but would like to send us postcards or bookmarks to distribute at ALA, the deadline for receipt of promotional materials is June 15th. Please email for more information. 

Emerald City Comicon Opportunity

If you are interested in being on paneling for Emerald City Comicon in March 2017, please use this discussion forum thread to suggest panels, indicate your availability, and let us know if you’re interested in a SFWA table!

SFWA Chat Hour on Youtube!

Check out the first SFWA Chat Hour on Youtube! The Chat Hour will be appearing every two weeks, featuring SFWA officials, staff, volunteers, and special guests to talk about SFWA events and opportunities, recent industry news, our favorite plushies, and more. Please mail questions and comments for the chat hour to

Create a Speakers Bureau Profile!

The Speakers Bureau is open to SFWA members who would like to be considered for speaking/presenting engagements. You’ll need to log in with the same user/password combination as you do to update your membership profile, but we encourage all SFWA members to create a listing. We’re pushing this out to conventions, libraries, universities, and many other institutions that will use this tool to find SFWA members as speakers for their events. Don’t miss out on an excellent opportunity!

Nebula Award Medallions

Are you a Nebula Award winner or nominee? Are you the editor or publisher of a Nebula Award nominee or winner? Contact the Nebula Award Commissioner at to request Nebula medal art for your nominated or award-winning titles.

Upcoming SFWA Member Readings 

June 14th    Debut novelists Claire Humphrey (Spells of Blood and Kin) and Curtis C. Chen (Waypoint Kangaroo) will be reading and signing books at Indigo Yonge & Eglinton in Toronto at 7pm.

June 21st – Debut novelists Curtis C. Chen (Waypoint Kangaroo) and Claire Humphrey (Spells of Blood and Kin) will be reading and signing books at Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Torrance, CA at 7pm.

July 22nd –  John Hegenberger – will be reading one of his stories from Amazing Stories at Pulpfest in Columbus, OH.

Would You Like List a Reading in the Singularity  Newsletter?

Email: and we’ll get you in. We’re limiting to ten listings per newsletter so each submission will considered on a first come, first serve basis.


Looking for back issues of the Singularity?
You can find older Singularity issues in the member discussion boards. Please log in first before you try this link: Singularity.

Collection of Links: 

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Copyright © 2016 SFWA. All rights reserved.
Contact email:




Q&A with John McCarthy on

Creating Computer Intelligence
and the Invention of AI

“Birds can fly.”  It is clear that this statement is usually true — but not in all circumstances. The ostrich and the penguin can’t fly. Dead birds can’t fly. Birds held down by their feet can’t fly. These exceptions seem obvious to humans, but to a computer that has been given “birds can fly” as a statement of fact, such exceptions can wreak havoc. In this week’s OMNI, John McCarthy, the Stanford professor and visionary who coined the term “artificial intelligence,” describes the dawn of smart machines and the impulse to give computers humanlike capacities and brains.


   More Alien Fiction!   
Kingdom Come
by Bruce McAllisterIn a small Harlem apartment, a lone couple and their infant daughter take shelter from a world that has come unhinged. Gangs and militias wage battles in the streets, strange new diseases ravage New Jersey, the countryside swarms with refugees and soldiers. Most terrifying of all, though, is The Door, a huge portal to an alien world which hangs in the sky over Central Park. 




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Pandemonium Book News

The Latest and Greatest in Sci-Fi and Fantasy Literature

In this newsletter you’ll find:

Author Events: Save the Date
Book Review: Too Like the Lightning
Upcoming Local Events
May Bestsellers
June New Releases

Author Events

Save the date for these great events!

July 14 – Horror night with Scott Goudsward, Anthony Tremblay, Rob Smales, Trisha Wooldridge, Jennifer Allis Provost, Dawn Gray, and Matt Spencer

July 28 – Local favorite Max Gladstone will be promoting Four Roads Cross, due out on July 26


Book Review

Too Like the Lightning, by Ada Palmer
Hardcover, $26.99
Released May 10, 2016

Too Like the Lightning by Ada Palmer is a fascinating futuristic tale, told through language culled from the past. It works to normalize gender-neutral pronouns (specifically “they”) in dialogue, but also plays around with the gendered stereotypes inherent in our common, heavily gendered pronouns of “he/his/him” and “she/her/hers.” This novel tells a fascinating tale of politics in a world without borders, where the way we live and interact with each other has shifted—but perhaps not as much as we may think. After all, a few hundred years is not enough to completely destroy nationalism and rewrite loyalties and enmities.

I leave you with a portion from page 27, where I fell wholly in love with Too Like the Lightning: “Would that ‘he’ and ‘she’ and their electric power were unknown in my day. Alas, it is from these very words that the transformation came which I am commanded to describe, so I must use them to describe it. I am sorry, reader. I cannot offer wine without the poison of the alcohol within.”


Local Events

June 23 through 26, 2016
Portland, Maine

PortConMaine is Maine’s first, longest running, and largest convention celebrating the hobbies that enrich our lives. Join us for a celebration of geek culture interests including anime, gaming, science fiction, costuming, fantasy, video gaming, boffer combat, comics, pop culture, steampunk, and more.

Readercon 27
Thursday, July 7, through  Sunday, July 10
Quincy, Mass.
GOH: Catherynne M. Valente and Tim Powers

Although Readercon is modeled on science fiction conventions, there is no art show, no costumes, no gaming, and almost no media. Instead, Readercon features a near-total focus on the written word.

The program consists of two tracks each of panel discussions, author readings, and solo talks or discussion groups, plus kaffeeklatsches (intimate gatherings with an author) and autograph signings.


May Bestsellers

Cover art for A Darker Shade of Magic, Aurora, Binti, The Fifth Season, and Seveneves
1. The Fifth Season N.K. Jemisin $16.00 (pb)
1. A Darker Shade of Magic V.E. Schwab $15.99 (pb)
1. Seveneves Neal Stephenson $17.99 (pb)
1. Aurora Kim Stanley Robinson $ 9.99 (pb)
1. Binti Nnedi Okorafor $ 9.99 (pb)
6. Ancillary Justice Ann Leckie $16.00 (pb)
6. How to Draw Fantasy Art and RPG Maps: Step by Step Cartography for Gamers and Fans Jared Blando $22.99 (pb)
6. Cthulhu’s Daughters: Tales of Lovecraftian Horror Gemma Files $15.95 (pb)
6. Bloodline Star Wars Claudia Gray $28.00 (hc)

Upcoming June Releases

Covers of Icon, How to Talk to Girls at Parties, and A Study in Sable
Mycroft Holmes Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem  $14.95 (pb)
Straight Silver Abnett, Dan  $16.00 (pb)
Wastelands 2: More Stories of the Apocalypse Adams, John Joseph  $ 8.99 (pb)
The Year’s Best Military & Adventure SF 2015: Volume 2 Afsharirad, David  $16.00 (pb)
Shutter Alameda, Courtney  $10.99 (pb)
Blood In the Water: Destroyermen Anderson, Taylor  $27.00 (hc)
Three Faces of Asprin Asprin, Robert  $16.00 (pb)
Crimson Vol. 2 Augustyn, Brian  $39.99 (hc)
Red Queen Aveyard, Victoria  $10.99 (pb)
Chaos Queen Duskfall B. Husberg, Christopher  $14.95 (pb)
The Medusa Chronicles Baxter, Stephen  $26.99 (hc)
The Complete Aliens Omnibus: Volume Two Genocide, Alien Harvest Bischoff, David  $ 9.99 (pb)
Descendant: The Complete Nikki Glass Series Black, Jenna  $23.99 (pb)
The King Slayer Boecker, Virginia  $17.99 (hc)
Tracer: A Thriller Set in Space Boffard, Rob  $ 9.99 (pb)
Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead: Invasion Bonansinga, Jay  $15.99 (pb)
The Unnoticeables Brockway, Robert  $14.99 (pb)
The Suicide Motor Club Buehlman, Christopher  $26.00 (hc)
Death Follows Bunn, Cullen  $17.99 (pb)
Waypoint Kangaroo Chen, Curtis C.  $25.99 (hc)
Stories of Your Life and Others Chiang, Ted  $16.00 (pb)
Wolf’s Empire: Gladiator Christian, Claudia  $26.99 (hc)
The Invisible Library Cogman, Genevieve  $15.00 (pb)
Sweet Ruin Cole, Kresley  $ 7.99 (pb)
Babylon’s Ashes Corey, James S. A.  $27.00 (hc)
Legacies: Captain to Captain Cox, Greg  $ 7.99 (pb)
Fireborn Dalglish, David  $14.99 (pb)
Undead and Unforgiven Davidson, MaryJanice  $ 7.99 (pb)
Saint’s Blood de Castell, Sebastien  $26.99 (hc)
Silent Hall Dolkart, NS  $ 7.99 (pb)
Mash Up Dozois, Gardner  $14.95 (pb)
Death’s Bright Day Drake, David  $26.00 (hc)
Man from Atlantis Duffy, Patrick G.  $16.00 (pb)
In the Shadow of the Gods Dunne, Rachel  $15.99 (pb)
A Green and Ancient Light Durbin, Frederic S.  $24.99 (hc)
Shadow Rider Feehan, Christine  $ 7.99 (pb)
Nova Fortune, Margaret  $ 7.99 (pb)
Battlefront: Twilight Company Star Wars Freed, Alexander  $ 9.99 (pb)
Endgame: Sky Key Frey, James  $10.99 (pb)
Endgame: The Complete Zero Line Chronicles Frey, James  $ 9.99 (pb)
Neverwhere: Author’s Preferred Text Gaiman, Neil  $15.99 (pb)
How to Talk to Girls at Parties Gaiman, Neil  $17.99 (hc)
New Pompeii Godfrey, Daniel  $14.95 (pb)
Warcraft Official Movie Novelization Golden, Christie  $ 7.99 (pb)
Rise: A Newsflesh Collection Grant, Mira  $25.00 (hc)
DR. DOA Green, Simon R.  $27.00 (hc)
From a Drood to A Kill Green, Simon R.  $ 7.99 (pb)
Death Masks Greenwood, Ed  $27.95 (hc)
The Fifty Year Mission: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Star Trek: The First 25 Years Gross, Edward  $29.99 (hc)
Echoes of the Long War Guymer, David  $17.50 (hc)
Death of the Old World Haley, Guy  $19.00 (pb)
Crimson Death Hamilton, Laurell K.  $28.00 (hc)
The Gospel of Loki Harris, Joanne M.  $15.99 (pb)
The Weaver’s Lament Haydon, Elizabeth  $25.99 (hc)
Devastating Hate Heitz, Markus  $14.99 (pb)
Empire of Dust Herman, Eleanor  $19.99 (hc)
The Sword of Midras Hickman, Tracy  $24.99 (hc)
Ghostbusters Holder, Nancy  $ 9.99 (pb)
Spells of Blood and Kin: A Dark Fantasy Humphrey, Claire  $25.99 (hc)
Independence Day: Resurgence: The Official Movie Novelization Irvine, Alex  $ 7.99 (pb)
The Invasion of the Tearling Johansen, Erika  $14.99 (pb)
The Perdition Score Kadrey, Richard  $25.99 (hc)
Born of Legend Kenyon, Sherrilyn  $28.99 (hc)
Lisey’s Story King, Stephen  $17.00 (pb)
The Dark Half King, Stephen  $ 9.99 (pb)
The Marked Girl Klingele, Lindsey  $17.99 (hc)
The Big Sheep Kroese, Robert  $25.99 (hc)
Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge Krueger, Paul  $14.99 (pb)
Damnos Kyme, Nick  $17.00 (pb)
A Study in Sable Lackey, Mercedes  $27.00 (hc)
From a High Tower Lackey, Mercedes  $ 7.99 (pb)
False Hearts Lam, Laura  $24.99 (hc)
The Wheel of Osheim: The Red Queen’s War Lawrence, Mark  $27.00 (hc)
Night’s Master Lee, Tanith  $ 7.99 (pb)
Ninefox Gambit Lee, Yoon Ha  $ 9.99 (pb)
The Fate of Ten Lore, Pittacus  $ 9.99 (pb)
United as One Lore, Pittacus  $18.99 (hc)
Hot Lead, Cold Iron Marmell, Ari  $ 7.99 (pb)
Three Moments of an Explosion: Stories Mieville, China  $16.00 (pb)
Last Night, a Superhero Saved My Life: Neil Gaiman, Jodi Picoult, Brad Meltzer, and an All Star Roster on the Caped Crusaders That Changed Their Lives Mignogna, Liesa  $25.99 (hc)
A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder Mille, James De  $13.00 (pb)
The Zodiac Legacy Moore, Stuart  $ 7.99 (pb)
52 Book 1 Morrison, Grant  $29.99 (pb)
Biting Bad Neill, Chloe  $ 7.99 (pb)
The Seascape Tattoo Niven, Larry  $25.99 (hc)
League of Dragons Novik, Naomi  $28.00 (hc)
 Myth Adventure Nye, Jody Lynn  $16.00 (pb)
Infomocracy Older, Malka Ann  $24.99 (hc)
Stiletto O’Malley, Daniel  $26.00 (hc)
Fritz Leiber’s Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser: Cloud of Hate and Other Stories O’Neil, Dennis  $17.99 (pb)
The Long Cosmos Pratchett, Terry  $25.99 (hc)
Pathfinder Tales: Liar’s Bargain Pratt, Tim  $14.99 (pb)
Like a Boss Rakunas, Adam  $ 7.99 (pb)
Return of Souls Remic, Andy  $12.99 (pb)
Stormwalker Revell, Mike  $16.99 (hc)
Harry Potter: The Artifact Vault Revenson, Jody  $45.00 (hc)
Black Tide Rising Ringo, John  $26.00 (hc)
Escape from Asylum Roux, Madeleine  $17.99 (hc)
Queen of Fire Ryan, Anthony  $18.00 (pb)
Wasteland King Saintcrow, Lilith  $14.99 (pb)
Orbs Sansbury Smith, Nicholas  $12.99 (pb)
Galactic Games Schmidt, Bryan Thomas  $16.00 (pb)
Frankenstein: Or The Modern Prometheus Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft  $19.99 (pb)
Allegiance of Honor Singh, Nalini  $27.00 (hc)
Hope & Red Skovron, Jon  $ 9.99 (pb)
The Annihilation Score Stross, Charles  $ 7.99 (pb)
The Nightmare Stacks Stross, Charles  $27.00 (hc)
Fables: The Wolf Among Us Vol. 2 Sturges, Matthew  $19.99 (pb)
Age of Myth Sullivan, Michael J.  $26.00 (hc)
An Affinity for Steel: The Aeon’s Gate Omnibus Sykes, Sam  $19.99 (pb)
The Michael Moorcock Library Elric, Vol. 4: : The Vanishing Tower Thomas, Roy  $19.99 (hc)
The Bookman Tidhar, Lavie  $ 9.99 (pb)
The Best of Star Wars Insider Volume 2 Titan  $19.99 (pb)
Independence Day: Volume 1 TITAN COMICS  $14.99 (pb)
Disappearance at Devil’s Rock Tremblay, Paul  $25.99 (hc)
The Unnaturalists Trent, Tiffany  $ 7.99 (pb)
Bombs Away: The Hot War Turtledove, Harry  $ 9.99 (pb)
Icon Valentine, Genevieve  $24.99 (hc)
Escapology Warom, Ren  $14.95 (pb)
A Taste of Blood Wine Warrington, Freda  $ 8.99 (pb)
Burn Weston, Paula  $ 9.99 (pb)
The Price of Valor Wexler, Django  $ 7.99 (pb)
Buffy: The High School Years Freaks & Geeks Whedon, Joss  $10.99 (pb)
Judge Dredd: Titan Williams, Rob  $19.99 (pb)
A Long Time Until Now Williamson, Michael Z  $ 7.99 (pb)
Empire of Imagination: Gary Gygax and the Birth of Dungeons & Dragons Witwer, Michael  $17.00 (pb)
The Binding Wolff, Nicholas  $16.00 (pb)
Anti Hero Wood, Jonathan  $ 8.99 (pb)
Super Extra Grande Yoss  $15.99 (pb)
A Call to Duty Zahn, Timothy  $ 7.99 (pb)
The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams Zaleski, Philip  $17.00 (pb)
Mechanical Failure Zieja, Joe  $14.99 (pb)
Mechanical Failure Zieja, Joe  $24.99 (hc)
Facebook icon Be sure and visit us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all the latest news from the store!


RPGnet Newsletter #56
June 7, 2016

New Columns

Christopher Cecil drew a new Fuzzy Thinking: “Botch!”

Brent Dedeaux of Tales from the Rocket House was back with some suggestions for how to handle the glut of OSR materials in “The Elephant in the Old-School Renaissance Room.”

New Reviews

Threads You Might Have Missed

If you have some game-inclined friends that you’d like to introduce to the world of RPGs, you should swing by “‘Gateway drug’ for RPGs.”

Two great conversation-starting question threads popped up in Other Media last week. What they both have in common is that, in different ways, they very much reward careful consideration. (1) “Is there a movie with a better final 10 minutes than Last of the Mohicans?” (2) “[Game of Thrones, Spoilers for all Season] Was Robert actually an underrated king?”

It’s a short thread, but a very interesting concept: “Have you ever lost after winning?” Stop by, tell your tales of Pyhrric or otherwise suboptimal victories, and share advice about how to deal with them at the table.

Sign Off

Have a good week, everyone.

  • Iustum
    Newsletter Editor


New Game – Astro Legends

Astro Empires is celebrating 10 years since release!
Being the 10th anniversary of Astro Empires is a perfect time to announce a new game we have been working based in the Astro Empires universe, this new game is called Astro Legends and is a Space Shooter MMO RPG.

In Astro Legends you command a spaceship and explore the universe, trading resourcing, joining missions and taking part in massive space battles.


Astro Legends
We have prepared a website, where you can get more

We have also created a facebook page where you can follow the game progress:

Later this year we will start a crowdfunding campaign to help us make the game as good as it can possibly be. Access to closed Alpha and Beta versions of the game will be available as part of the crowdfunding campaign.


Please take a moment to support Amazing Stories with a one-time or recurring donation via Patreon. We rely on donations to keep the site going, and we need your financial support to continue quality coverage of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres as well as supply free stories weekly for your reading pleasure.

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