SPECIAL NOTE: Check out the Concord Monitor’s coverage of what we’re doing here! and, if you’ve not seen it before, here’s coverage from 2013.
PRESS RELEASES & NEWSLETTERS (see full text below)
Radio Archive News; NIght Shade Books – Robin Riopelle
Annalee Flower & Natalie Luhrs Nail It: take off from Russ’ How To Suppress Women’s Writing (despite lame critique published before this piece was released)
BBC offers a “Timeline of SF Literature“. Of course, what they are really writing about is “proto” science fiction because “Scientifiction” didn’t exist, as a thing, until March 1926 when Gernsback introduced “a new type of magazine” that offered the reader a ‘Wells, Verne, Poe’ type of story and then went on to defined what that was for the first time in human history. (I mean, I love Aldiss’s work, but that Billion-then-Trillion year spree thing really screwed up a lot of people’s academic understanding of the genre.)
New Trek Series…yay…gonna go to streaming…boo (Don’t want to steal movieland’s new ‘action-thriller’ take on the alternate timeline thing….)
Bye bye slave Leia costume – Disney “cleaning up” the Star Wars universe. (“George! Put those damned toys away before someone sees them!”)
This is just a really, really cool gif
Scalzi’s Littul Kittens (a bit different from Cordwainer’s)
Oh Noes! Add One More! Another comic book hero has been changed to support diversity. Surely the world is ending tomorrow!
Lopsided Cat 2000-2015: John Scalzi has some very moving words.
Are Mass Extinctions Cyclical? (and if so, where are we on the cycle?)
As Corbin Dallas once said “Yeah. Big Boom”
NASA Testing of EM Drive Shows Promise
Evidence Supports Alternate Worlds Theory
Super Special Note Placed Way Below the Fold So We Can Say It Is Way Below the Fold:
Princess Leia and that outfit: Disney can do what it wants to do with its property. That’s not in dispute. They don’t have the right to re-write history. So, in the interest of providing future generations of fans of the Star Wars saga an opportunity to see what all the fuss was about (and to see Carrie Fischer in costume presuming that such has been expunged from the film record), we offer this gallery:

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* Now add Crime and Peter Chambers to your shopping cart as well.
Published by Sanctum Books

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