The 2015 Faned winners (for 2014 fanac) are:
BEST FAN ARTIST: 2nd runner-up = Teddy Harvia, 1st runner-up = Jean-Pierre Normand, WINNER = TARAL WAYNE.
BEST FAN WRITER: 2nd runner-up = Felicity Walker, 1st runner-up = R. Graeme Cameron, WINNER = DALE SPEIRS.
BEST LOC WRITER: 2nd runner-up = Murray Moore, 1st runner-up = Sheryl Birkhead, WINNER = LLOYD PENNEY.
BEST CANADIAN FANZINE: 2nd runner-up = Opuntia, 1st Runner-up = Space Cadet, WINNER = BCSFAZINE.
HALL OF FAME: Joseph ‘Beak’ Taylor — Eight-Ball/Canadian Fandom.
I’ll be sending out PDFs of the certificate soon (so winners can print their own choice of paper), but I’ll also send them a high quality paper/print version as soon as I can arrange it.
Also, looks like there will finally be trophies to hand out to all the winners past and present sometime in late spring. A very talented local artist name of Russ Quick believes he can accomplish this easily and inexpensively once certain other projects of his are out of the way. The 7-inch-tall Faneds will be molded in resin, and come in a variety of colours including clear with sparkly bits or maybe a metallic sheen. Each winner will receive a trophy for their initial win, and then little inscribed plaques to add to the base as the years and victories roll by.