What Happens When People Confuse Alternate History for Real History?
Wonder Woman: Relevant or Ridiculous?
The 1941 Retrospective Hugo Awards (Part 1 – Editors & Publications)
By Real Fans for Real Reasons or Puppies Think Fans Are Stupid
Interview with Rosarium Publisher Bill Campbell
The Nine Billion Names of God by Arthur C. Clarke
REALLY “REACHING”—Jack Reacher is NOT SF/F! (Book Review)
Short Story Review: Samson’s Delight by Josh Weiss
A Publisher’s Perspective on Profits: ebooks vs print
Novedades de Agosto en Hispanoamérica
Happy New Year! My Top 25 Horror Moments Of 2013
Ant-Man: a small step in the right direction for Marvel
Deconstructing Horror: Haunted Houses
Women in Armour vs. Chicks in Chain-mail
Lettres ouvertes aux Sad Puppies
Christ-Figure in Movies & Books: Grace or Redemption?
The Voyage That Lasted 600 Years by Don Wilcox
The 1941 Retro Hugo Awards (Part 2 – The Authors)
The 1941 Retro Hugo Awards: Supplement – Professionally Published Fiction List
It’s (Not) Rocket Science: John Aaron: “SCE to AUX”