Alan Dean Foster’s Icerigger trilogy (Icerigger, Mission to Moulokin & The Deluge Drivers) features the ice & snow bound frozen world of Tran-Ky-Ky, a planet whose eccentric orbit takes it into alternating 50,000 year cycles of freezing and warming. Skua September is an over-the-top character in the story.
Well, it looks like the northeast is about to enter the beginning of its own 50,000 year freezing cycle.
The history of this particular region has been the loss of power and internet access when there has been fast accumulations of snow with freezing temperatures. Right now we’re looking at predicted snowfall rates of up to 3 inches per hour (!) and that does not bode well.
In other words, there is the very strong possibility that Amazing Stories will experience some down time between Monday evening and Wednesday (actually – who knows how long – it’s taken them up to three weeks to get power back into some regions in the past). So, forewarned is forearmed.
And on that score: Karen, Bo the Wonder Dog and I are well-provisioned with foods that can be eaten uncooked, sterno for heating up water & other things, a carbon monoxide-less indoor gas heater, batteries, blankets and plenty of water (for drinking, bathing AND flushing the toilet).
Absent the hyperbole: we’re expecting that our ability to update the website over the next couple of days may be impaired, but in terms of personal safety, we’ll all be just fine. See you all on the other side of the storm.
(And yes, I DO recommend Foster’s trilogy.)