12 MonkeysAnother film getting a revamp as a TV series, although this one is 20 years after the film was released. Twelve Monkeys was the hit film starring Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt and was directed by Terry Gilliam. It focuses on a convict (Bruce Willis) who is sent back in time to gather information about a man-made virus which has wiped out most of the human population in the future.

The TV adaptation, 12 Monkeys follows the same story (although from the first episode it hasn’t been made clear on our time traveller’s background). Bruce Willis is replaced by Aaron Stanford (X Men 2), he travels from 2043 to 2013 and meets Dr. Cassandra Railly played by Amanda Schull (Centre Stage, Suits) who he believes is supposed to help him find the man he believes to be behind the virus.

After meeting James Cole (Stanford), Cassandra’s life is turned upside down after seeing him disappear before her eyes. Before he left he gave her a time and place to meet in two years time. Roll on 2015 and she waits for his return. Together they go after the man behind the virus, expecting after he is assassinated that Cole will disappear as the future would have been changed. But instead they discover the 12 monkeys. There is more than one person behind this and Cole’s journey has only just begun.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen the film, so I have a patchy memory of the story, which I think is probably a good thing. The first episode had me gripped. It’s fast paced and a lot happens yet not much is given away. This is a great first start to a show and I hope that it continues like this.

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1 Comment

  1. I had some problems with the show. The fella (a person who plays SO over the top really isn’t an actor) who plays Cole just takes me out of it. Willis in this roll was shocked and disbelieving. Never sure of the reality of it all. Every line not-Willis speaks is panicked and shouted. Amanda Schull as Railly is a talented actor I’ve enjoyed on ‘Suits’ and her many guest roles. Perhaps not-Willis will be lost in time and I can try to focus on the other characters.

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