…but it is a den of geekery!

The other day Karen and I purchased a flat screen TV for our bedroom (we’d been subsisting on two 7″ “minis” we bought several years ago and no, what we got was not one of those super hi-def curved screen 3D over the top systems, but a very modest 32″ incher on extreme discount at one of America’s favorite electronic stores – it’s not even worth one short story at pro rates….) and…

this morning while (re) watching Guardians of the Galaxy for the Nth time (checking out the new screen of course;  I’ve seen GotG on so many screens now it’s become my benchmark!) I realized that the screen was centered between two of the monster Amazing Stories posters we’re offering and then I realized that I could put the website on the TV and…

amazing bedroom

For those who may need a key:

amazing bedroom labeled

Not labeled in the above picture: a potted plant hanging behind the TV, the ‘portable’ DVD player running GotG, the dresser the TV is perched on, various electrical connectors, the rest of the bedroom, Bo, the Wonder Dog (he was, unbelievably, asleep through this entire picture-taking operation).

So yes.  I sleep within the folds of the awesomeness that is Amazing Stories.

I’d wake up to it too, but Karen won’t let me tape a poster to the ceiling….

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1 Comment

  1. I had a TV in the bedroom once, over 25 years ago. Decided it was not worth it. There are two things I want to do in the bedroom and neither of them involves TV.

    I’d rather read sitting up, Both sleeping and the other thing involve various positions, but I don’t think TV enhances either activity.

    But, as the Frenchman said as he drank his bathwater, “Chacun a son gout.” (Which, according to Swann & Flanders, has something to do with gout, the disease.)

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