A Holiday Gift from the Museum of Science Fiction

From the Museum of Science Fiction:

Over the past year, the gifts we’ve received moved us closer to bringing a new museum to the Nation’s capitol and allowed us to continue developing our educational programs.

Using science fiction as an educational tool is central to the Museum’s mission. We’re working to positively impact the STEM pipeline and get more students interested in studying science, technology, engineering, and math.

As you may know, in September the Museum began a promising STEM pilot program with DC Public Schools … kids love science fiction and it works like dessert topping, motivating them to learn more difficult subject areas. To see recent classroom activities, click here.

The Museum needs your help. As 2014 comes to a close, please support the Museum,click here.  The Museum is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization and contributions are tax-deductible.

On behalf of the Museum of Science Fiction, our staff and volunteers, thank you for your support and enthusiasm. I truly hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.

Best wishes for the New Year,

Greg Viggiano
Executive Director
Museum of Science Fiction
Washington DC  USA
Earth: Sol: Milky Way

ps:  If you’re like me and save Christmas shopping for the last minute, click here to get printable gift certificates for free access to the Museum’s new Minecraft server for your favorite little sci-fi fans.

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