(The contents of AMAZING NEWS is gathered via RSS feed, website perusals, discussion forums, newsletters and emails. If you have an item of news of import to the genre community, feel free to send it in!)
Earlier this week, Amazing Stories designated Brianna Wu’s game REVOLUTION 60 – from her independent game development company Giant SpaceKat – the official game of Amazing Stories. This was done to illustrate our support of Brianna and to help counter, in some small way, the efforts of those who are seeking to damage and destroy Brianna’s, the company’s and the game’s reputation. Gamergate may once have been about a protest against perceived bias in gaming journalism, but it has clearly morphed into an attack on women in gaming. Since Brianna was threatened with murder, she has been all over the mainstream news with a declaration that the haters will not force her out of gaming. Her strong stand appears to be having positive results: numerous prominent entities within the gaming community are now speaking out on Brianna’s behalf. Here’s some of that (and other coverage):
It Happened To Me: Brianna’s Manifesto
Brianna (and others) on Huffpost Live (video)
Follow-on Discussion with Female Gamers (video)
In Other Social News
Hey – if the Pope Can’t Get What the Pope Wants…. the Bishops Speak
Time To Kill the “Strong Female Lead”?
Where Are We Going? Where Have We Been? David Brin Has A Few Thoughts
Neil Gaiman On: The Lack of Female Writers On Dr. Who
EBOLA: 21 Day Quarantine May Not Be Enough
Frank Robinson Interview (video)
There Were MANY Different Heinleins
Hawk Doesn’t LIke Being Surveilled
Uhura Promos Space Capsule (Nichelle NIchols) (Video)
Speaking of Star Trek: Captain Kirk (Bill Shatner) in a Volkswagen Commercial
An Aussie in Europe – Con Report
NY Review Of SF Looking For More Readers
New Fifty Year Mission Book Chronicles Star Trek Saga
Hear Me Roar Anthology (Yep – Kick-Ass Womenz Antho)
Why We MUST Continue To Explore Space
Uh Oh: Pyramids On Comets…How Long Before We Find A Face?
Speaking of Comets…One Will Be Visiting Mars & the Robots Are Scrambling
Museum of Science Fiction (DC) Announces Screen Writer Appearance
Steven Hart Releases A New Essay Collection
Hart, author of two critically acclaimed narrative histories, uses Let the Devil Speak to explain the terrain where history, politics, and culture overlap and ignite.
The book opens with a long essay about Good Old Boys, Randy Newman’s celebrated concept album about racism and the South, but at least three other articles will be of direct interest to Amazing Stories readers.
“May the Fraud Be With You,” an expansion of Hart’s controversial piece for Salon, shows how Star Wars impresario George Lucas built his epic on unacknowledged borrowings from classic science fiction, and how the pretentiousness has only grown worse with news that another round of Star Wars films is on the way.
“The Clockwork Grove” explores the fiftieth anniversary of the novel A Clockwork Orange, dispels some myths generated by author Anthony Burgess, and points to a message much more disturbing than the creator probably intended.
“The Ents From the Orcs” explores the close relationship between C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, whose work probably would never have seen the light of day without their friendship, and how Tolkien’s idealistic epic was claimed as support for a sordid and corrupt presidency.
Here are the photos. If anyone has ids for those I’m missing-or corrections, please let me know.
FANTASTIC FICTION at KGB reading series, hosts
Ellen Datlow and Matthew Kressel
Nancy Kress is the author of thirty-three books, including twenty-six novels, four collections of short stories, and three books on writing. Her work has won five Nebulas, two Hugos, a Sturgeon, and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award. Nancy’s most recent work is Yesterday’s Kin, about genetic inheritance. In addition to writing, Kress often teaches at various venues around the country and abroad; in 2008 she was the Picador visiting lecturer at the University of Leipzig.
In 2001 Jack Skillingstead won Stephen King’s On Writing contest. Not long afterward Jack began selling regularly to major science fiction and fantasy markets. To date he has published more than thirty stories in various magazines, Year’s Best volumes and original anthologies. Much of his short work has been collected in Are You There and Other Stories. Jack’s novel, Life on the Preservation, was a finalist
for the Philip K. Dick Award.
November 19th, 2014
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