TV Review: Under the Dome Season 2 Premiere

under-the-dome-618x400Wow. Is the only word I have to say for the opener for the second season of Under the Dome. We were left on a cliffhanger of Barbie about to be hung in front of the town and Julia dropping the alien egg shaped object into the water, producing pink stars and clearing the darkness. We return with *SPOILER ALERT* the dome turning magnetic and literally ripping every piece of metal from homes, cars and personal belongings. We have a main cast member killed, ghosts appearing in hallucination type dream states, and a lead star possibly murdered cliff hanger to the end of the first episode?!

That was a heck of a lot to take in, and one way to return with a bang. Under the Dome is reminding us that not all the best shows get an autumn/fall season start. It might be the middle of the summer, but this is a show that is worth staying in for. I really thought at first that this wasn’t going to be my cup of tea. Perhaps too low budget, or too geeky for my geekiness. But I can’t stop watching it. It is full of a great cast and great twists and turns. I’ve learnt my lesson from Game of Thrones and I am going to avoid the book and enjoy being surprised on what this show is going to deliver week on week.

I really couldn’t fault this for a season opener.

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