Website Review – Geek-Pride.Co.UK


The term “geek” has, in the past, had a negative connotation attached to it. The stigma of being a geek has been altered over the last decade or so. No longer is it a shameful thing to be considered a geek (or a nerd for that matter). “The Big Bang Theory” has brought all of us nerds and geeks out of the metaphorical dark basements in our parents’ homes and out into the public eye. Where am I going with this, one might ask.


It is no secret that I’m a geek/nerd. Nor is it any surprise that I’m an Anglophile, either. With that said, I’m reviewing one of my favorite websites this time, one that combines my love of all things geeky with my affinity for the U.K. That’s right – GEEK-PRIDE!


I don’t remember how I stumbled across this website but it has become one of my favorite places to visit during breaks, or on the weekends. There is so much information it can seem overwhelming for the first time visitor, but it is organized nicely and the site is very easy to navigate and user friendly.

There’s something for everyone – movies, television, anime, books, comics, and game reviews; interviews; a series of bloggers who discuss everything from games to gadgets; videos and web series. There’s even a chance to contribute to the sight in the Geek Fiction Writers Challenge, currently looking for zombie apocalypse stories. And I can’t forget the GP Pod Casts. Those are always fun, informative, and just the thing for lunchtime entertainment.

The site is not necessarily UK-centric, either. It encompasses everything geeky from around the globe. Of course, there’s a FACEBOOK PAGE, as well. GP UK is a great site, informative, fun, and entertaining. I’d give it two thumps up but I need them to type. Cheers!


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