So, How Are We Doing?

exp-01I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been participating on Amazing Stories.  Each and every one of you – bloggers, readers, commenters, artists, fans and behind the scenes folks have contributed directly to what I consider to be a wonderful success.

We’re now just a bit over seven months into this experiment and the goals I’ve set towards achieving our main goal – that of bringing Amazing Stories back as a professional fiction market for science fiction, fantasy and horror – are largely on track.  (So much so its scaring me:  I keep on waiting for the other shoe to drop and it never does.  Instead, more amazing things keep on happening!)

Since we’re a bit over the half-year mark of a one year plan, I think it is high time (not to mention the urging of my fellow blog team members) to ask you all – How Are We Doing?

What do you think?  Are you enjoying the mix of subjects and viewpoints we’ve been presenting?   The reviews, interviews, essays and advice?  Are our art features and novel excerpts exciting you?  Our foreign language pieces? Is there something else you’d like to see?   Something we’ve missed?  A subject we’ve ignored?

Let me know. If you have a question about where we’re going, what we plan to do, how we hope to get there, a suggestion for another subject, changes you’d like to see, leave a comment here.  On Sunday I’ll choose some of those questions and comments and answer them in a new semi-regular feature – Ask the Editor.

Oh.  That image?  It’s Duncan Long’s design of Amazing Stories’ first mascot – the EXP – 01. It’s listed on the International Spaceship Registry as the SS Amazing.  We’re going to be making that image available as a limited edition collectible T-shirt (we’ll be introducing a new ship design every year).  Why don’t you ask me about that this Sunday?

Please take a moment to support Amazing Stories with a one-time or recurring donation via Patreon. We rely on donations to keep the site going, and we need your financial support to continue quality coverage of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres as well as supply free stories weekly for your reading pleasure.

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