Tomorrow, one of our blog team -Lesley Smith, has a very interesting piece. Lesley is a blind geek who has been reviewing television for us. Tomorrow she’ll clue us all in on how she manages all of that, not to mention playing games, going to the theater and reading her favorite books. It is quite interesting, revealing a side of geekdom that we rarely see (groaner intended) and should open your eyes (yes) not only to the tremendous advantages that technology has to offer everyone, but also to the depth of commitment that members of our community have and I think that Lesley is to be roundly commended for being so open and willing to share her experiences.

pulpomizerThe weird and wonderful folks over at Retropolis have gone one step further:  Now you can design your own thrilling pulp magazine cover!

With their Pulp-O-Mizer, you can choose title, background image, story titles and more.  And it is way cool – you can actually see the magazine cover being assembled as you make your selections.

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