SPECIAL NOTE: There will be a major announcement in this space, tomorrow, July 10th, that will be of interest to all Science Fictioneers, Fans, Slans, SMoFs, SF-Adjacent individuals and SFnal related enterprises. Each, every and ALL of you. It doesn’t matter whether you call it Scientifiction, StF, Science Fiction, SF or Sci-Fi (Sci Fi, SciFi), Speculative Fiction or even “that Buck Rogers stuff”. You’ll want to know this.
(and now, the other news…)
Rich Horton highlights a new Samuel Delaney profile in the New Yorker
A Flying Car has finally been deemed “air worthy”. (People worthy is another thing)
The US State Department is recommending against travel to China.
Euclid mission to unravel “dark matter” mystery launches successfully
Yes, Women’s roles have been male-washed since the Stone Age
Nnedi Okorafor announces new Phoenix imprint
David Lubkin commemorates Clarion workshop’s beginnings
Ingenuity phones home after 63 days of being incommunicado
WEBB shows us Saturn like we’ve never seen it before
There are no rescue plans for space tourists who get into trouble
AI is eliminating jobs in the AI fields
Paul Tremblay and other authors sue Open AI for infringement
A Mysterious Safe in a used book store needs to be opened
Betelgeuse’s Nova event may not be that far off
Ira Nayman has a new multiverse book out
AI/robots hold their first press conference
The Shadow appeared in a Nancy comic ten years ago
Why is Hollywood so invested in remakes?