For his 263rd column, Steve revisits and rewrites one of his first “new” columns for Amazing, six years ago. If you missed it, now’s your chance to catch up!
For his 263rd column, Steve revisits and rewrites one of his first “new” columns for Amazing, six years ago. If you missed it, now’s your chance to catch up!
Steve says farewell to another fannish friend, David E. Wilson, longtime Vancouver fan. And says “Meh” to the new animated Grinch.
This week Steve reviews three newer books: one is outstanding and the other two are worth reading. What’re the odds on that?
Continuing with recent movie reviews, Steve looks at the Netflix Original movie ARQ, and also the 3D “mo-cap” movie Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive, and finds them both quite watchable. Not great, but watchable!
Steve talks about the late Sir Terry Pratchett, and his last book–last DISCWORLD book, too!–which just came out. A new Pratchett is usually a joyous occasion, but this book brings mixed emotions.
Steve jumps around a lot this week, from VCON to Steampunk Fashion Jewelry to the Philip K. Dick Bookbundle, and back again to Ed Howdershelt!
Steve talks about himself (what an ego!) a new urban fantasy, and other stuff.
R. Graeme Cameron’s VCon conrep. NOT Steve Fahnestalk’s.
How does Stiller’s The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty stack up against Danny Kaye’s original version, and with James Thurber’s original story?
Was it Colonel Mustard in the arboretum with the steam shovel? Steve participates in a steampunk murder mystery evening.
I love the old stuff. It’s been a real pleasure reading my way through the Ace Double. Each and every story positively reeks of the sense of wonder that made SF so attractive to me in the first place.
I found out just yesterday from the Internet Speculative Fiction Database that November 1979 marks the first fan column I ever published in Amazing magazine, the print version. My column was titled “Fans, Prose and Cons”—a somewhat obvious three-way pun. That means it’s been 34 years since I started writing for this magazine.
Does Dr. Sleep stack up against The Shining?
Want to make sure your contributions arrive on time? Threaten them. Tell them you’ll make up stuff and place their name prominently at the head of the gibberish you’ve concocted. Articles will pour in.
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