There are three important things to look for in a comic. One, you need a good story. Second, exquisite artwork should enhance if not inspire the story. And third, the Wow factor. Legenderry – A Steampunk Adventure has all this and more.
Welcome to the Amazing Stories BLOG HORDE INTERVIEWS! The ASM Blog Horde is a diverse and wonderful species. I have the privilege of talking with all of them, and I get to share those chats with […]
FRAN FRIEL is a two-time Bram Stoker Award Finalist and winner of the Black Quill Award. She enjoys life with her husband and her dog by the beach on the Central Coast of California, where she also serves as staff for Alice the cat. You can follow Fran’s latest antics here at Facebook or at Twitter, and Fran Friel’s Yada Feast.
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