If you’re a fan of Chinese action movies and Milla Jovovich, this movie sounds like a good bet… but it’s not. Only for the Jovovich completist. And maybe not then.
It’s becoming increasingly obvious that we’re approaching the kind of TV pictured in Robocop or Kornbluth’s The Marching Morons. Whether it’s “I’d buy that for a dollar” or “Would you buy that for a quarter?” there’s a level of “entertainment” in movies and television which I and a bunch of others—I hope you’re one of them, too—don’t find particularly entertaining.
Le but de Besson n’est pas de faire une oeuvre de science fiction mais un film de cinéma. A vouloir être grand public, il finit par vouloir plaire aussi bien à ceux qui aiment le genre qu’à ceux qui n’en sont pas des amateurs réguliers.
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