In this first of three Halloween-y columns examining several media adaptations of Stephen King works, Steve talks about the new movie, and what’s wrong with IT.
As he has done for the past several years, Steve looks back (without anger) at the previous year’s columns, and hopes you found reading them worthwhile. And now: To Infinity—And Beyond! as someone once said!
Continuing his retro-look at some older columns, Steve talks about Ace Doubles and their cover art. We’re talking about The Good Old Stuff, in both writing and SF illustration. Get Some Now!
Steve takes us “Back to the Future”… er, “Back to the Past” again with another recycled column. This week, it’s all about his writing and NaNoWriMo. If you don’t know what that is, you should probably read this.
On Monday, the last Camp NaNoWriMo of 2013 begins. You’ll have thirty days … okay and maybe one extra … to write something awesome. I’m on holiday but wanted leave some words of wisdom for those planning […]
As I write this, it’s bank holiday in the UK and Memorial Day in the US. The sun is out and – against all the odds – summer is actually here. So what’s a writer […]
In just under thirty days I have written over sixty thousand words on two projects and started a third. This is a personal best for me but proves that if you put your mind to […]
National Novel Writing Month (more traditionally held in November and known as NaNoWriMo) starts early this year. The idea is simple: you write a 50k novel in thirty days. It sounds so easy doesn’t it? […]
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