The Ultimate Science Fiction Reading List Part 5

Somehow our first taste of fiction always seems to hold a special place in our minds and hearts even after we’ve read hundreds of new stories. Another installment of the ultimate science fiction reading list from some of our favorite authors and editors.

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LoneStarCon 3 Photos

With my schedule pressing in on me from all sides, I decided this was a good time to share some more photos from the 71st Worldcon. LoneStarCon 3 was filled with amazing fans and dazzling stars. All photos were taken by Shawn McConnell. Hope you enjoy these LoneStarCon 3 photos.

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Hugo by the Numbers Part 2

Let this serve as your reminder that final ballots for the 2013 Hugo Awards are due today. (07/31/13) With that in mind, I bring you my continued parade of Hugo Award statistics from across the […]

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Amazing News, Friday, April 12, 2013

The Eaton Science Fiction Conference at UC Riverside commenced yesterday;  Amazing Stories has been carrying advertising for the program for the past several months.  This years headliners are Larry Niven, David Brin and Gregory Benford […]

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