Indie Dragons Still Spouting Fire!

Dragons were given their title sometime around the13th century, their name coming from the Greek word δράκων, (drakon) meaning “giant seafish”. Legends in both the Orient and Europe spotlighted these fire breathing serpentine creatures. Heroes […]

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Interview with SFWA Grand Master Robert Silverberg

Today we are joined by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) Grand Master Robert Silverberg. Mr. Silverberg writes speculative fiction that travels where he wants it to go, pushing aside the traditional limitations with which many writers confine themselves. He has written countless novels and works of short fiction, and his list of non-fiction books is staggering. Mr. Silverberg has been so prolific that his total word count rivals the quantity of stars in the galaxy.

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Interview with Pat Mills, Founder of 2000AD

Over four decades Pat Mills has been a major force in keeping the British comics industry alive. I caught up with him to chat about the reappearance of one of his most enduringly popular characters, the Celtic barbarian, Sláine.

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