Anime roundup 1/3/2019: Best of 2018
Looking back at the best sf the anime world had to offer in 2018.
Looking back at the best sf the anime world had to offer in 2018.
In this week’s viewing: Hakumei and Mikochi learn what fishing is really about, Hakyu Hoshin Engi turns into character drama, and more!
In this week’s viewing: Hakyu Hoshin Engi tackles advanced physics again, Beatless pretty much lays out what’s really going on, and more!
In this week’s viewing: Beatless considers the humanity of tools, Hakumei and Mikochi does it better, and more!
In this week’s viewing: Hakyu Hoshin Engi is a science-fantasy juggernaut, Kokkoku takes the really long view, and more!
In this week’s viewing: Beatless is too weird for Amazon to handle, another show has gone mysteriously silent, and more!
In this week’s viewing: Hakumei and Mikochi and Kokkoku stop to change clothes, also some dramatic stuff happens, and more!
In this week’s viewing: Beatless adds another antagonist, Hakyu Hoshin Engi operates at ludicrous power levels, and more!
In this week’s viewing: Hakumei and Mikochi celebrates home crafts, Hakyu Hoshin Engi whips up an unusual recipe, and more!
In this week’s viewing: Hakyu Hoshin Engi pulls off a double fridging, Beatless menaces its heroine for cheap plot points, Kokkoku’s heroine is done being menaced, and luckily the other show aboslutely does not fit this theme.
In this week’s viewing: Which shows look like they have what it takes to stay in the commentary lineup for the rest of the season?
In this week’s viewing: A slow start to premiere week, but big news for the simulcast landscape!
As the year turns, so does the anime season. See what’s coming up soon!
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