Judging A Book By Its Cover (Art)

The old axiom about not judging a book by its cover notwithstanding, I am going to judge the merits of various book covers that wrapped editions of heroic fiction. This is not a scholarly article, […]

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Loving the Alien

Human beings have always had a fear of and, at the same time, a fascination with the “other”. Almost as soon as humans were able to make art on cave walls depictions of strange and […]

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What You Will Find Here

Since January 2nd of 2013, members of the Amazing Stories blog team (you’ll find them all listed under Staff where you can learn more about them) have been writing away on their favorite subjects.  Chances […]

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To Be Continued . . .

Back in the old days you could read a novel in a series and pretty much enjoy that one novel as a stand-alone. The Asimov’s Foundation novels work this way, so do the novels in […]

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I Was A Teenaged Bibliophile

For years, pierre’s life was ordered around comics etc. First he couldn’t live without the Amazing Spider man and the FF, Tom Swift, Tarzan, then it was the most obscure Cthuluh Mythos story, and later […]

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Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS -Fiction- Aurora (excerpt) by David A. Hardy  -Non-Fiction- Editorial: Things To Come by Steve Davidson The Edgar Rice Burroughs Movie I’d Like To See by John M. Whalen I Was A Teenaged Bibliophile by […]

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The Monster Men

“I wish somebody’d tell me, Tell me if you can I want somebody to tell me What is the soul of a man.”                     –Blind Willy […]

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