Bob Madle, Member of First Fandom, Requests Assistance

Bob Madle, shown here attending an early Fan gathering with other luminaries such as Ray Bradbury (image from File 770) (and, incidentally, the person who introduced me to pulp magazine collecting) has made a request of the Fan community through the offices of the First Fandom organization:

We are searching for my copies of “Science Fiction” Fanzine #1-5 (1932-33), Jerry Seigel – Editor.  Issue #3 contains the first appearance of Superman

 Hello to my Friends in Fandom:

I recently discovered that many of my fanzines from the 30s and 40s, including all five issues of “Science Fiction” were stolen from my collection.  The theft occurred sometime prior to the start of the pandemic – before March 2020.  
I’m attempting to track down the “Science Fiction” fanzines since these are so rare and any sale would be notable.  if you hear of a set for sale or are contacted about them, please let me know.

As most of you know, these are extremely rare; there are only a few copies in existence.  This is a very special item and means a lot to me, so again, I would appreciate it if you hear anything about a sale or purchase of them, please contact me.



Bob Madle


You can see the opening pages of one of these Fanzines here.


Bob has made this appeal with his daughter Jane in the hopes that those of us who collect and those who attend events will keep an eye out for their possible sale.

Featured Image:  File 770)

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