Improving the Real World while Building Imaginary Ones – James L. Sutter and the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers co-sponsor fundraiser for reproductive rights
Seattle, WA – Across the country, creatives are working to protect our besieged reproductive rights. When co-creator of Pathfinder and Starfinder James L. Sutter proposed donating the proceeds from his online workshop to the cause, Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers founder Cat Rambo said yes immediately – and offered to match his offer.
“Like a lot of folks,” Sutter said, “I was gutted by the recent SCOTUS news, and looking for ways to help. Turning the worldbuilding class into a fundraiser felt like a natural choice. Students can improve their writing and game-design skills while also supporting organizations fighting for justice. Everybody wins.”
All of the proceeds from the upcoming online workshop, “High-Speed Worldbuilding for Games and Fiction” will be split between Planned Parenthood and NARAL. The two-part workshop happens May 14 & 15, 2022, in two two-hour sessions, from 9:30-11:30 AM Pacific time. Sign-up details can be found at
James L. Sutter is a co-creator of the Pathfinder and Starfinder Roleplaying Games, and a former Creative Director for Paizo Publishing as well as former Executive Editor for the Pathfinder Tales novel line from Tor/Macmillan. James is the author of the novels Death’s Heretic, ranked #3 on Barnes & Noble’s Best Fantasy Releases of 2011 and a finalist for the Compton Crook Award for Best First Novel, and The Redemption Engine, which won the 2015 Scribe Award for Best Original Speculative Tie-in Novel. In addition to a wealth of award-wining tabletop gaming material, he’s also written comics, video games, and essays and short stories for such publications as Escape Pod, Apex Magazine, Queers Destroy Science Fiction, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and the #1 Amazon bestseller Machine of Death. His website is available at
The Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers has been in existence for over a decade under the leadership of award-winning fantasy and science fiction writer Cat Rambo, serving up live and on-demand online workshops from F&SF luminaries such as Ann Leckie, Henry Lien, Seanan McGuire, and Fran Wilde along with a virtual campus hosting events, discussion, and a lively and supportive community of writers. For more information, see
Want to move from promising rejections to actual acceptances? The Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers offers live and on-demand classes as well as a virtual campus featuring daily co-working sessions, weekly story discussion, and other Zoom-based social events and a Discord server for chatting with other writers and exchanging story critiques.
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