What Happens When People Confuse Alternate History for Real History?
By Real Fans for Real Reasons or Puppies Think Fans Are Stupid
Wonder Woman: Relevant or Ridiculous?
Crossplay and Gender-bending Cosplay
An Olive Branch for the Puppies
The Nine Billion Names of God by Arthur C. Clarke
Ant-Man: a small step in the right direction for Marvel
Gernsback Writing Contest Final Round
REALLY “REACHING”—Jack Reacher is NOT SF/F! (Book Review)
Citizens of the Solar System: The Big Question, “But Why Human Spaceflight?”
Books That Never Were – Farewell Atlantis
How I’ll Be Casting My Final Hugo Vote
The Artist as Criminal: The Frank Cho Spider-Gwen Controversy
The Ten Greatest Wizards of All Time
Christ-Figure in Movies & Books: Grace or Redemption?
Star Trek’s JM Colt…Then and Now
Review: The Tattooed Duchess by Victor Gischler
Recap: “Naka-Choko,” Hannibal, Season 2, Episode 10
Trying Patreon (Because I am not Amanda Palmer but I Want to Believe in the Art of Asking)
Interview: Trenna Keating (aka Doc Yewll) from Defiance
The Voyage That Lasted 600 Years by Don Wilcox
Announcing the Judges for the Gernsback Science Fiction Short Story Writing Contest
Deconstructing Horror: Haunted Houses
Happy New Year! My Top 25 Horror Moments Of 2013
Black and White: No Room for Gray Shades