Saturday Editorial 1/11/14

No great moral causes today, no societal ills revealed, no ethical quandaries to unravel.  Just a simple recounting of some of our latest happenings and a preview of some things to come.

Our “open excerpt” starts tomorrow with an offering from Lou Antonelli – Riders Of the Red Shift, accompanied by a nifty illustration from our Art Director, Duncan Long.

Lou’s story will be featured in an upcoming release from Stupefying Stories Presents;  you can learn more about Lou at his blog.

We’ve already received a decent number of excerpt submissions for this program, many of them indie authors.  If you’d like to submit your own excerpt, you can do so using the form found under the MAGAZINE tab in the menu – or just click here.

Speaking of Duncan;  we’re developing a separate “excerpt” program for artists.  You’ll be able to submit a sample and, if accepted, it will be featured in an fantastic art gallery roundup on the weekend.  That program is likely to start this coming week.

And lets not forget our advertising specials either:  30k impressions (actually, closer to 45k now), over a 30 day period, for as little as $25.00.  (Actually, for exactly $25 for the box ad and $40 for the leaderboard banner at the top of the page.)  That information can be found under the INFO tab in the menu.

What else is happening?

Expect to see a flurry of reviews coming from our new dedicated review team over the next couple of weeks.  (Which means, prepare to send your stuff in for review!)

And, come February, there will be a fair number of public presentations of Amazing Stories at conventions and bookstores in the north east:  I’ll be appearing on three panels at Boskone, talking about fandom, fanzines and the magazine business;  I’ll also be doing a presentation on 2/22 at 2:00 at a local bookstore (NH).

Short and sweet this week.  Talk at you all again soon.

Please take a moment to support Amazing Stories with a one-time or recurring donation via Patreon. We rely on donations to keep the site going, and we need your financial support to continue quality coverage of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres as well as supply free stories weekly for your reading pleasure.

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