The Answer (to) The Plight of Modern Young Adult Science Fiction

James Davis Nicoll recently published an article in the Seattle Worldcon’s newsletter titles “The PLight of Modern Young Adult Science Fiction” – for which he is taking a little heat, and which also touches on a subject near and dear to our literary hearts here at Amazing Stories.

Because we publish YA Science Fiction and we’d like to think (no, we KNOW), that good YA Science Fiction is being offered to the field.

We do so because we entirely agree with James’ statement:  “Why should a person who is, like me, slightly past his 20th birthday, worry about the state of fiction aimed at persons much younger than he is? Because without the young readers of today, there won’t be the old readers and writers of tomorrow.”

In response, another friend of Amazing Stories Farah Mendlesohn, commented:  “Oh for heavens’ sakes! Check out the Lodestar and the Andre Norton Awards.”

That’s good advice right there, but we have an even  quicker  solution:  Just click right HERE and order a copy of our recently released Tiny Time Machine The Complete Trilogy by John E. Stith.

If you are thinking of taking Farah’s advice (which is good advice), you’d probably like to know that one of the winningest authors in the business of Hugo and Nebula Awards had this to say:

“Science, danger, humor, romance…there’s something here for everybody!” – Connie Willis, SFWA Grandmaster

That everybody would include those younger readers who we’d like to turn into adult readers of SF/F/H.  Adults too – these are fun, well written stories that move along at a pretty brisk pace.

Join the cause and help our field inspire new readers – order a copy of Tiny Time Machine The Complete Trilogy and gift it to a Young Adult Reader today!

Suitable and recommended for readers of ALL ages!

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