Uncanny Magazine Issue 24, Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction, Launches 9/4
Uncanny Magazine Issue 24, the three-time Hugo winner’s Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction special issue, will be released September 4. Hugo Award-winning Publishers Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas present the 24th issue of their three-time Hugo Award-winning online science fiction and
Pixel Scroll 8/27/18 Pixelbot Murderscrolls
ON THE GROUND AT WORLDCON 76. Raven Oak’s trip report about Worldcon 76 includes a fun photo of astronaut Kjell Lindgren posing with fans costumed (so I believe) as the GalaxyQuest alien crew members. Kjell thanked me and said
Pixel Scroll 8/30/18 I, For One, Welcome My New Cybernetic Pixel Scroll Wrangler
THE (AMERICAN) GODS THEMSELVES. Neil Gaiman pointed to Leslie S. Klinger’s announcement of a planned reference work about “American Gods”. I’m thrilled to announce that next Fall, William Morrow will publish Annotated American Gods, with my notes based in
Top 10 Posts for August 2018
The 2018 Hugo Winners news item and related comments attracted seven times more attention than most of August’s other popular posts. Only the equally heavily read article about planned protests outside Worldcon 76 had the same magnitude of audience. Therefore
Tolkien Leaves Small Footprint in Birthtown
By Hampus Eckerman: Bloemfontein, South Africa. I’m staying at the newly renovated Hobbit Hotel (https://www.hobbit.co.za) in the Bilbo-room. It is a nice little hotel with a total of thirteen rooms, all named after characters from Lord of The Rings or
Pixel Scroll 8/31/18 The Credential, The Cryptomancer, And The Credenza
#BACKTOHOGWARTS. Warner Bros. kicked off the weekend with a behind-the-scenes featurette for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. Excited about #BackToHogwarts tomorrow? Watch J.K. Rowling and the cast of #FantasticBeasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald reminisce over their favourite Hogwarts
Classic Sci-Fi Films Online
By Carl Slaughter: Available on YouTube. 4D MAN. Shakespearean story of a scientist who abuses his discovery because he can’t resolve his personal problems – love triangle, family drama, office politics. A tragic man whose new found powers render him
2018 Pegasus Award Nominees
The 2018 Pegasus Award finalists have been announced. The Pegasus Award is given by the Ohio Valley Filk Fest (OVFF) for excellence in filking. Anyone in the filk community can vote on the winners, and community is broadly defined — check
Cyborg 2087
By Carl Slaughter: Terminator meets Star Trek meets Six Million Dollar Man meets Time Tunnel. Our great grandchildren will have chips implanted in their brains. From these chips, they will control everything from cars to doors to refrigerators to printers.
Where to Find the “Author’s Cut” of Vertlieb’s “Dracula In The Seventies: Prints Of Darkness”
By Steve Vertlieb: It was in 1997 that I first received a rather flattering telephone call from an editor in New York, asking if I’d be willing to participate in a new published anthology that he was compiling for Midnight
2018 Killer Nashville Awards
The 2018 winners of the Killer Nashville Silver Falchion, Claymore, Reader’s Choice and several other awards were announced by the annual conference on August 25. Congratulations to Dana Chamblee Carpenter whose book The Devil’s Bible received the Silver Falchion in
Dublin 2019 Attending Membership Rates Will Rise on September 3
On September 3, 2018, membership rates will rise for Dublin 2019 – An Irish Worldcon. The rates from that date are as follows: Full Adult Attending membership rates rise to €210 from €180 First Worldcon rates, for adults attending their
Pixel Scroll 8/29/18 Scrollvolt Of The Pixeldestrians
CASE DISMISSED. In May 2018, Fur Affinity, winner of the 2012 and 2013 Ursa Major Awards for Best Anthropomorphic Website, banned several dozen accounts for Code of Conduct violations — Section 2.7 “Do not identify with or promote real
2018 Splatterpunk Awards
Winners of the inaugural Splatterpunk Awards were announced at KillerCon in Austin, TX, August 24-26. BEST NOVEL WHITE TRASH GOTHIC by Edward Lee (Deadite Press) BEST NOVELLA HEADER 3 by Edward Lee and Ryan Harding (Necro Publications) BEST SHORT STORY
Titan Comics Launches Thirteenth Doctor Who Comics Line This Fall
[Based on a press release.] Heralding a new era for Titan’s Doctor Who line, Titan Comics and BBC Studios are proud to reveal launch details for Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #1, featuring variants from leading artists including Babs Tarr
Pixel Scroll 8/28/18 Robert’s Pixels Of Order, Newly Scrolled
IN TUNE WITH SPACE OPERA. Strange Horizons presents “’In The Far and Dazzling Future, People Are Still People’: A Round-Table on Domestic Space Opera” with Ann Leckie, Jennifer Foehner Wells, Judith Tarr, Joyce Chng, and Foz Meadows. Foz Meadows:
Best Series Hugo: Eligible Series from 2018
By JJ: To assist Hugo nominators, listed below are the series believed to be eligible as of this writing for the 2019 Best Series Hugo next year *†. Each series name is followed by the main author name(s) and the
Court Crushes FanX with Award of Attorneys Fees in SDCC Lawsuit
An incensed federal judge has done his best to make up what San Diego Comic-Con couldn’t get from a jury after winning its trademark infringement lawsuit against Salt Lake Comic Con, hammering the defendants with a trademark ban and an
John Ward Out as GAMA Executive Director
The Game Manufacturers Association announced it will not renew Executive Director John Ward’s contract. An August 24 press release says: The Board of Directors of the Game Manufacturers Association (GAMA) has passed a motion electing not to renew the current
Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018 ToC Released
Series editor John Joseph Adams and guest editor N.K. Jemisin have released their selections for the Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018. From the large number of stories that series editor John Joseph Adams screened for this year’s collection,
Zen And The Art Of Hugo Finalist Maintenance
[[Editor’s Note: I wanted more people to see Jo’s story, left in comments, about her Homeric efforts on Hugo day, and got her permission to run it as a front-page post.]] By Jo Van Ekeren: It all started when I
Pixel Scroll 8/26/18 Pixels Of Unusual Size? I Don’t Think They Exist
ALL SYSTEMS WIN. Martha Wells posted a Worldcon 76 report including her experiences at the Hugo Awards ceremony — Then we got to novella, and I was extremely nervous. I felt like I had a strong chance and was
2017 Sidewise Awards
The Sidewise Awards for Alternate History were presented August 19 at Worldcon 76 in San Jose. The Sidewise Awards recognize excellence in alternate historical fiction. Nominees Gregory Benford, Brent A. Harris, Alan Smale, Harry Turtledove, and Bryce Zabel, as well
New Zealand Will Host 78th Worldcon in 2020
At the WSFS Business Meeting on Sunday morning (August 19), the results of the 2020 Worldcon Site Selection voting were revealed. The New Zealand in 2020 bid received 643 votes of the 726 votes cast. There were no other official
Worldcon 76 Roundup
By JJ: (1) 2018 Hugo Ceremony Video (2) 2018 Hugo Ceremony CoverItLive Text Coverage by Kevin Standlee, Susan de Guardiola, and Cheryl Morgan (includes lots of photos!) (3) 2018 Hugo Nominating and Voting Statistics (4) 1943 Retro Hugo Nominating and Voting Statistics (5) Hugo Finalist
1000 Years of Fandom
By Joe Siclari: What does 1,000 years of fandom look like? At Worldcon 76, FANAC.org tried to find out. The pictorial project, started by Mark Olson, captures photos of fans new and old, each holding a sign with their years
Another One
By John Hertz: Ctein told me at Worldcon 76 (incidentally, his name is pronounced “k’TINE”) he’d read my note here about his story “Bubble and Squeak” with Davd Gerrold. I’d ended “It isn’t news for David Gerrold to publish science
Pixel Scroll 8/25/18 The Quidditch Policeman’s Union
BRING ME MY SPEAR OF BURNISHED BRONZE, BRING ME MY CHARIOT OF FILE. Prior to the pacemaker being put in the staff worked hard to convince me to stay in San Jose a week before attempting to drive home.
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