Sometimes all you need to write a good story is an amalgamation of things you like. For author Hache Pueyo, this was a wide assortment of things that she figured would come together better the more she wrote. Lo and behold, a novella was made! Read on to see which fancies of Pueyo’s lie within But Not Too Bold.
This one started with a deadline. Not mine, mind you, nothing as safe and certain as that, but a submission call for novellas that would end in about a week, and I had no novella to send. This small Brazilian press, Dame Blanche, rarely opens for submissions, and I didn’t want to miss what would probably be my only shot, so I had to write one, and fast. That’s not my usual approach to writing, but I decided, why not? Worst case scenario would be a bad novella. With so little time, I had to be practical, but I couldn’t start a project I didn’t love. So what could I write about?
Source: The Big Idea: Hache Pueyo | Whatever