This Week’s News Is Brought To You By –
Captain Future and the Futuremen (which includes women…and androids, robots and brains in jars). Read Allen Steele’s on-going, blockbuster series!
Of Special Note
Over the past week I switched my home system for a new one; unfortunately, I did not think that I needed to make a separate copy of my bookmarks to copy to my new system, believing that such a task would be taken care of by the automated process I used. Silly me. As a result, Amazing News is greatly truncated this week.
Lynne Fahnestalk, she of the wonderful robot (and now spaceship) sculptures, sent along this advertisement for a carpet company…
File 770 reports that Jul Owings, a long-time Baltimore fan, has passed
There’s something of a Parade of Planets going on in the night sky these days
Amazon releases their Best SF of 2024 list
New Releases
WMG Books has launched a Kickstarter
“Fairy Porn” is taking flight…or should that be “on the rise?”
Don’t forget to subscribe to On Spec magazine
Just For Fun
G.I. Joe Astronaut and floating Mercury Capsule Ad (Despite very strong personal requests, I never got that capsule and spacesuit when I was growing up. Reader’s wishing to rectify that oversite may send capsules, spacesuits or cash to me, here at Amazing HQ)
In the Future
The Crafts by Raya Yarbrough – FREE Fiction
The Big Idea: Lavanya Lakshminarayan
Unexpected Questions with Rick Wilber
Whatever Happened to The LAST STARFIGHTER?
Excerpt: Mr. Jone’s Smoking Bones
Matt’s Reviews: Mind Of My Mind by Octavia Butler