New Release: Afternoon Prayers by Joseph Zitt

No, Amazing Stories is not above using its platform to help promote it’s friends publication, and this is one such occasion:

Joseph Zitt was the first other Fan I met, way back in my formative Fannish years.  Together, we attended conventions, started an SF Club and published the fanzine Contact:SF A Journal of Speculative Fiction.  (It was sercon, with news, reviews, interviews and typically Fannish articles, killed when American Airlines lost the entire shipment of issues sent to Iguanacon in 1978.)

Joseph eventually moved to Israel, expressing his very erudite and complex creativity through music and writing, and has produced several performances and published several books, though they are only SF-adjacent (at least in the sense that science fiction’s influences are in there somewhere.)

Now Joe has published a new book, drawn from his Facebook posts of daily observations which are, as one of the reviews states –

“Joseph Zitt’s precise, compassionate observations and his clear, poetic prose expand details of daily life into wonders, and place enormous events, not least the pandemic, into human scale. Characters drift in and out of the flow of life-from the office to the local shops to the busy streets-to reveal their stories. I was drawn into that same flow, the rhythm and churn of days, ritual and quiet, small revelation, captivated from start to finish. — Gregory Norman Bossert (Winner of the World Fantasy Award)”

“I was drawn into that same flow, the rhythm and churn of days, ritual and quiet…”, as I was while reading his earlier work As If In Dreams.

I think any writer, regardless of chosen genre or subject, will find some inspiration, if not examples of technique, that they can draw upon.

Afternoon Prayers is available as a free ebook (visit him on Facebook for that), or from independent booksellers at

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